Chapter 9

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Luckily I have sarah's phone so i call 911 and tell them to get here quick.

"ok thanks, please hurry." I say as i hang up the phone.

" what are we gonna do."

I look at mike holding annie and I look at MJ. Then i look at mike again and he looks at me.

"Im so sorry you had to be involve in this."

"i-its ok"

There silence for split second but then mike speaks up again.

"come with me"

"why where are we going."

"to Annie's room" he says picking up annie bridle style.

"so....since you guys got just gonna"

" WILL come with us.. cause you ARE IN THIS JUST AS MUCH AS I AM. You will NOT LEAVE untill i say you can. Then after this im DONE WITH YOUR ASS"mike yells with his eyes flashing with fire and for once MJ is actually quite stunned.


Damn my brother is really pissed off. I was just having some fun. But then HE SHOWED UP and ruined the whole thing. I didn't think anybody would get hurt. But im not giving up. I will have annie.....and i would do anything to have her. Even if that means...........i have to end my brother myself.


We carefully make it to Annie's room. I slowly put her down on the bed and stare at her. Im so sorry annie.......i didn't mean for you to get hurt. I just wanted you to stay away from my brother. I guess i am developing some feelings for you but I don't think you'll ever know how i feel now.

My eyes start to get watery and one tear actually falls down. I grab Annie's hand and start sniffling.

"man are you crying?!"

"yes......yes i's what people do when their sad. People...WHO ACTUALLY HAVE A HEART UNLIKE YOU" mike screams throwing one ball of ectoplasm at him but he dodges it right when the door opens hitting one Annie's friends in the face.



"it's ok Alex"

"ugh whatever, can you just go get me a towel...please"

The other girl runs to her room and then runs back with a towel"

"um...hi" the girl says shyly"

"well....hello" mike says making eyes at the girl and invading her personal space.

"DUDE.. Im really about to slaughter you"

" your MJ" alex says pointing at mj next to her friend.

"and your mike" alex says pointing to mike next to annie.

"OMG WHAT HAPPENED" Alex says rushing to annie almost knocking me off the bed. The other girl comes running over as well with scaredness and concern on her face. Alex turns towards us with a pissed of look on her face.

" which one of you. Did.this. To. Our. Friend?"

"IT WAS HIM" MJ and I say pointing at eachother.

"NO.. IT WAS HIM" we say again still pointing at eachother. Alex then walks over to me and slaps me right across the face.

"what the..."

Then she walks over to MJ who is laughing and slaps him too.

"HEY. what was that for" he ask rubbing his cheek.

"That's for being assh*les and hurting our friend."

"We called the ambulance already, they should be here any minute."

Right when he said that we heard sirens.

"Ok you two need to get out of here, me, alex and sarah will stay here. I don't want you guys to get question or in trouble. Especially you kristel, please don't blame yourself for this it wasn't your fault and im not mad ok" i look at her with kind eyes until MJ scoffs and roles his eyes. I look at him with pure anger and annoyance. He should be happy im not letting him get in trouble. Even though I SHOULD.

"ok now please go"

"ok...bye" kristel says disappearing.

I look at MJ and make a gesture with my hands.  He looks at annie and me again, then he Dissaperes.

"ok I'll go let the paramedics in and inform Annie's parents. You guys stay here"

They nod and i leave to go down to the paramedics. As i make my way down to them i see a bunch of people staring at me including Annie's parents. This is gonna be hard to explain. I go over to the paramedics and tell them where to go. I then walk over to Annie's parents and tell them to follow me. I lead them upstairs to her room and walk in to find the paramedics trying to find a pulse on annie.

"OH MY BABY" Annie's mom screams running to Annie's side with the dad right behind her.

"w-what happened" Annie's mom says about to burst into tears.

"ma'am we'll get to thst later but right now..we can't seem to find a pulse. We have to strap her up." One of the paramedics says as they carefully carry annie down the stairs. They lay her down on the gurney and strap her in. Then they get ready to haul her away.

"well im the mom so im coming"

"im coming to honey"


They get in the ambulance and as me,alex, and sarah stand here in complete shockness Annie's brother comes into the scene.

"hey yo what's happening"

"your sister is being taking to the hospital now get in" annie mom says.

"ms. Morel may we come along too"

"yes of course." They run to the van but i grab sarah before she can run and whisper in her ear.

"if they ask you anything say you don't know... that you just heard a loud noise and went to go check on your friend and then all of sudden you see her not breathing ok?"

"ok" she runs over and gets inside the ambulance. Then they close the doors and that's when they drive away. I sigh and turn around to everyone.

" it's ok everyone, don't worry. Please go back to your doings. The situation has been taking care of"

Everybody murmurs in non-believement and then returns to their doings. GOSH i really should kill my brother. But it's my fault. I should of controlled my anger. Infact maybe i should of never fallen for her. But....i just can't erase my feelings. I go to Annie's room and just stand there looking around. Everything that happened just keeps flashing in my mind. sorry annie....i really am. I should of protected you better. I go to my room and look outside my window where i can see that gigantic hole.....where everything started. If only i could erase this whole thing. Infact...i wish i never had a brother. I WISH WE COULD ALL FORGET EVERYTHING.  I throw up my hands and that's when the room starts shaking. I put my hands down and it stops. I crash down on my bed and take a deep breath.

Mystreo shouldn't love. They only put people in danger and lose there love. It's been happening for years. For freaking ages and it only seems to bring bad fortune. I never meant to put her in danger....maybe i should just.....maybe i should just give up. But i can't do that cause then my brother would win. NO I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN. I won't give up. I will protect her. I'll do it better this time. I just hope that......she will forgive me.

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