Chapter 17

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Kristel's POV

Laying here looking around my room I realized I can't sleep. I look at the clock and its like 12:00 at night. How can I sleep knowing what im doing? How can I sleep with this guilty conscious? I toss and turn each way trying to find some comfortability. Ok i just need to close my eyes and not think about the negatives. Thinking about the negatives is what's stopping me.

Annie's POV

"Thanks for letting me be here but i really think its time for me to go." i get back up again and then suddenly am pushed back down by a sudden force. I look at mj scared seeing him with a smirk still on his face.

"What part of you can't leave isn't clear to you"

"Mj what is going on...why won't you let me leave."

"Hmm well you see my darling. Your very special..but not just to me your also special to my brother which is why i can't let you leave. Cause i finally have something that he can't have.." he says walking towards me gently brushing my cheek.

"And that is you my sweet. I finally have you"

"Mj please..y-you have to let me go. I need to be with my family."

"You are...well your twin i guess. Hmm remember that girl you saw in the hospital right before you came here. She is going in your place as annie with your family while you are here with the meantime though..i can be your family..i am all you need and more"

I look at him stunned. Why is this happening to me? Why is he keeping me prisoner in here? Why does he want me so bad? As i still look at him he gets closer to me and his lips touches mine. As we part I can't help but feel like i just been given the kiss of death cause I then fall into a darkness that seems all too familiar.

Hey guys sorry if this chapter is a little crummy and short. Im trying to update as much as i can before school comes back. But hey doesn't this seem familar..."kiss of death" hmm where have we heard this before?

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