Chapter 7

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This is gonna be harder than i thought. Im going on a date and kristel is going on a date with one of them too. But the question is....which one am I going on a date with. To be honest I really would like to go on the date with Mj. I don't know why, I'm just getting this type of feeling inside of me. I know he's evil but i still just want to get close to him, maybe just to see if he really is evil.

"I don't think you should go on the date" Alex said.

"yea you shouldn't"

"but I have to I said yes to both of them."

"WHAT how are you going to go on the date with both of them" Alex yelled.

" that's why kristel is here, she's a shape shifter, which means that she is gonna shape shift into me and go on the date with one of them."

"ok then which one are you going to go on a date with." Sarah asked

"well... I think im going to go on a date with Mj"

"WHAT" they both say

"but he's bad isn't he, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH AN EVIL PERSON....scratch that A GHOST."

"Alex calm down, plus i haven't even seen him do one bad maybe his brother is the bad one. You can't always believe everything you hear, Now will you please go i have to get ready"

"Fine" alex say with a hint of madness in her voice while sarah and her leave my room.

"sorry you had to hear let's get us ready"

I walk to my closet to see what dress i should wear. I have a lot of dresses and jeans. I have heels to but just a couple. Im not that big on heels. I'm still trying to completely master how to walk in them. Hehehehe. I pick out two dresses one hot pink and one dark blue and turn to kristel.

"which one should I pick hot pink or dark blue."

"ummm...i-i think the dark blue"

"ok dark blue dress with dark blue short heels?"

"umm Y-yea"

"ok.....and don't be so shy, mike will notice that, ok"

She nods her head.


I take my dress and heels and go in the bathroom to take a shower and change. After the shower i put the dress on then the heels and look at myself in the mirror. I grab a brush and brush my hair down and put a little light pink lip gloss on. Im not that big on makeup.


Omg im so scared. I don't want to do this but i have to. He said that if i don't do he will kill me. This has to go well, he said that if it doesn't go well he will lock me up in a dungeon, rape me, then kill me. Please, please let this plan work.


After putting on the finishing touches and checking myself i walk out of the bathroom towards kristel.

" do i look" i turn around so i can give her the full view.

"really stunning now.....are you sure this will work?"

"trust me, it will your going to look like me so he won't even know the difference."


She takes a deep breath closes her eyes and turns into me. I pull her hand and bring her into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

" see we could be twins"

"yea hehehe"

I walk back out of the bathroom and grab my phone. I text sarah saying that i need her to come over for a quick second and in one minute she is here.

"yea what you need"

"im gonna need you to let kristel use your cell phone for today, that way if anything goes wrong she can text me."

"ok" sarah says while handing her phone to kristel.

"Annie are you sure you want to do this." Sarah asks with caring and concerned in her voice.

"yes im sure, it's going to be ok if anything goes wrong kristel will text me or i will text Alex" i say hugging sarah before she leaves my room.

"ok now lets get this started. I have both of there numbers in my phone so... Let me call mike's number and tell him that i am ready"


ME: hey mike im ready for our date.

MIKE: ok I'll be there in a flash.

ME: ok bye.

I hang up the phone and tell kristel to stay here then i run to the bathroom and close the door leaving a small crack so i can see what's going on.

I see a smoke appear and see mike in a nice, handsome suit. Man...he looks sexy in that suit, i hope kristel has fun with him.

"ready to go"mike says holding out his hand.

"yes i am" kristel says taking a hold of his hand as they walk out together.

I quietly step out of the bathroom once im positive that they are gone. Then i grab my phone and call Mj.


ME: hey Mj im ready for our date

MJ: ok I'll be there in a snap

ME: ok bye.

I hang up the phone and in five seconds Mj is here.

"ready?" He say holding out his hand"

"im ready" i take his hand as we walk out. As we walk out i see my friends as we pass them down the stairs. Sarah is just looking and staring blankly while alex is shaking her head and looking at me with a doubtful face.

I know what im doing here is wrong and im probably playing with fire right now but my mind is just telling me to calm down and just go with it. I feel so different and more confident than usual. I hope this works out well. Please....Please god let this work out well.

Hello people did you miss me? Well I miss you guys. I know SUPER long time since i updated but imma try to fix that and update more. Im also am going to start adding some photos or videos to go along with the story too so i hope you'll enjoy that. What do think will happened to annie on this date? Is kristel going to be able to pull this off? Who was kristel talking about when she said she has to go along with the plan or else she will get killed. Why is alex mad? Will the date go perfectly or totally backfire. I hope you guys answer the questions, i would love feedback from you guys. OH and also THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE 1.13k. This is amazing. I love you all so much. You guys are truly amazing. Thank you much. with much love ~DESTINY

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