Chapter 15

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" DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT TO DO" i say choking kristel with my firey hand around her neck.

She nods slightly and i let go of her dropping her on the ground.

"Don't screw this up do and i will have ur soul."

She nods looking down still on the floor coughing. Gosh i need better help these days.

" Now GO"

She immediately disappears and i snicker thinking about my devious plan. If she does this right, nobody would suspect a thing. Not even my brother. Although i don't doubt his skills...still he won't be able to stop me. It could be the last thing be does if he tries..MWAHAHAHA 😈


"Ur all set to go annie. Just let me call ur parents and they'll pick you up okay?"

"Okay thank you" the nurse smiles and walks out the door while i wait looking around the room. Still not remembering a thing but in doing okay as far at the nurses say. But i Don't know why i keep getting this uneasy feeling along with a few shivers. Maybe its nothing..i hope.

I play with my hair and trying to do something with this silence when suddenly i see this puff of smoke. Is this one of those twin boys from before? I look at the smoke to see if i can try and see if it is but instead i dont see one of the boys. I see this young girl.


"Annie do you know who i am"

"No..should i?"

"No..well at least not yet. I'm sorry annie"

"Sorry for what?" i say looking at her confused

"For what im about to do"

Worried and scared i look at her
"W-what are you going to do"

She lifts up her hand moving it in a way like she is making a sign or some sort of drawing in the air. A mist of black smoke appears from her hand and it surrounds me so much that all I'm seeing is darkness and it feels like i am falling. I lose consciousness and the darkness seems to get thicker until all i hear are the words I'm sorry in my head.


I slowly put my hand down in sadness. I can't believe im still going along with his stupid plans. I don't want to this. I wish i could just stop...but i can't..disobeying his orders will be very bad for me. so sorry annie

I close my eyes and concentrate and turn into annie. I then open my eyes and nothing but guilt washes over me. For my sake and annies...i hope i can pull this off.

The door later opens and i see the nurse and these other people. I also see annies friends. These must be annies parents. I hope i can be a believable annie with amnesia..

"Your family is here annie. Your all good to go" the nurse says.

I smile and thank the nurse while walking out with my.. for now new family. We all walked out of the hopsital and go into a car.

"Everyone buckle up...we have a long drive ahead of us" annies mom says. She then turns to me and smiles

"It feels good to have you here annie."

"It feels nice to be here misses- i"

She smiles and then we start driving away from the hospital. I look down and get this voice in my head from mj constantly saying..dont mess this up. I wont..i hope i won't at least..

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