Chapter nine

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Lovely Bailey-

I sat on my bed patiently waiting for Jaylen and His dad to come get me. Mrs. Isley is currently walking around the house yelling at nothing. My dad tried to calm her down multiple times but she wasn't having it.

I don't even know why she's mad. She came home mad. Slamming the front door on my dad. I knew she was mad the second I heard the front door slam so I hung up on Jaylen. I knew she was about to start yelling at me.

"Why are you still here?"

She stood in my door way. This isn't even her house my dad paid for this house and he's the one who buys everything so she's has no right to tell me to get out. I wouldn't say that though.

"I'm waiting-"

"You can't wait outside or something?"

I looked behind her at my dad to see him basically not doing anything. He looked at me with apologetic eyes. "It's late it's getting kind of cold, Mrs. Isley."


"Bailey I think it's best to wait outside, okay?" My dad said stepping to the side a bit. I looked up at him and nodded my head before standing up from my bed grabbing my bag. Mrs. Isley just smiled at me because she got her way. She almost always get her way with my dad.

I slowly walked past them and down the steps, making my way outside.

I sat on a chair on the porch leaning my head back against it, sighing. I didn't even do anything wrong. I could understand if I at least back talked or something but I hadn't done anything wrong. She just came in the house yelling about me being lazy and not cleaning anything all day.

Which I did. I cleaned up the whole house. The only thing I didn't do was their room obviously. Then when she realized I had in fact cleaned the whole house she tried to find something else to complain about and when she couldn't find anything she told me to get out. At first I thought she was just saying things until she actually tried to force me out the house.

I then politely asked her to not touch me. I didn't tug away from her or anything, I just politely asked. I'm always polite to her and I never raise my voice at her. Not once. I never even thought about it.

I guess me asking her not to touch me was a threat because she then claimed I hit her. Which my dad did not believe- yet he didn't say anything.

That's when I got tired of the situation and asked Jaylen if I could stay over.

I heard a car horn and I immediately looked up. I got up grabbing my bag walking to the car. Jaylen got out the passenger seat and made his way to the back seat with me. Once I was in the car I smiled at Messiah.

"Hi, thank you for letting me stay over for tonight."

"It's no problem, Lovely."

Jaylen took my bag and placed it on his lap. "Hi." I looked over and smiled at him. "Hi."

It was quiet for a while before Jaylen's dad talked. "Are you cold?"

I shook my head no. I was cold but I chose to not say anything. He didn't believe me anyways because soon the heat for the back seat was turned on.

"Thank you."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Well we were. The radio was on but it was low. I could barely hear it. When we pulled up into their drive way I tried to take my bag and Jaylen only pushed my hand away mumbling something. Usually I would ask him to repeat himself but he had already gotten out of the car making me follow.

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