Chapter ten

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Third person POV-

"Kyle. I think I want to go home for Thanksgiving this year."

Kyle looked at Delilah confused. They were laying down on Delilah's small dorm bed. Her fathers had offered to get her an apartment while she went to school but she declined multiple times. She didn't want to be a bother to her parents. They had explained multiple times that she wouldn't be a bother, they had more than enough money to support her.

"We always go home."

Delilah gave him a small smile. Her boyfriend was so oblivious.

"Like to my family, I want to go see my dads and brother."

Kyle then understood what she meant. He didn't know exactly why she was confirming this with him. She could do whatever she wanted. He's not the boss of her. They only ever went to his house because his family would invite them and she would say she wanted to go there instead of home.

"Oh, okay."

"I'm sorry if you're upset."

Kyle only laughed as he repeatedly kissed Delilah's cheek which made her push him away after the seventh one.

"Why would I be mad?"

Delilah shrugged her shoulders. She had been pushing her family away. She just didn't feel like going home she missed her dads and brother though. Even on the holidays when she went to visit she never really thought to take the ten minute ride to her house. It took for Messiah to call for her to make up her mind and go home this year.

"I love you, Delilah."

She smiled at her boyfriend. This was a daily thing. Kyle had said 'I love you' three months into their relationship. Delilah told him she wasn't ready to say the three words back and Kyle completely understood. He still does. But now he was started to worry that Delilah didn't like him at all.

Kyle brought his hand to Delilah's hair and started to  trace her curls around his fingers.

"Kyle it's not that I don't l-"

Kyle cut her off. He already knew what she was going to say. She was going to try to explain that she wasn't ready to say it and Kyle would listen as she absent mindlessly repeated herself.

"Okay Delilah. I understand, when you're ready to say it you can."

"Go get the door."

Messiah ignored Justus words as he kept kissing his husband. Justus sighed against Messiah's lips as he started to careless about the door and more about Messiah who was kissing down his neck.

When Messiah's hand snuck down the front of his husbands pants, Justus closed his eyes throwing his head back. That was short lived. He annoyingly opened his eyes hearing the doorbell ring crazy.

"Who the fuck is at my door?" He mumbled.

Messiah sighed dramatically when Justus pushed him away. Justus laughed sitting up on the bed. "Siah, go get the door."

Messiah huffed walking to the downstairs bathroom to wash his hands first and then he made his way to the door. He slightly fixed his annoyed face before he opened it with his usual smile that he gave almost everybody.

When the door opened he looked down at the person standing there. It took a while for him to identify the person and his smile immediately dropped. He wondered if it was actually her or not. She still looked exactly the same. The only thing that made her appear 'different' were the horrific burns on her once beautiful, soft, brown skin. He couldn't see all of the burns due to the sweater but he saw enough.

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