Jacob the asshole

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Jacob is an asshole all because he doesn't want a child but he should have thought about that when he was fucking me and pumping me with his semen inside of me which led to our first child and now this child he is disclaiming as a child because he kept calling it a thing. 

He haven't spoken to me in a week after the altercation especially he let me sleep on the bed while he sleeps in the other room just to avoid the sex with me. he haven't slept with me after the altercation as well. I didn't know this man hates children so much, if i had knew then maybe i would have let our first child go as well. I went to Eva since she is more of a expert on marriage, children, husbands although i am not married yet but we are acting like it. 

Eva told me that it takes compromise but Jacob and i are not compromising because he choose to act like a hard head when he knows he will not take anywhere other than losing the ones he loves, i went to work calling the nurse mother to take care of Lucas. 

Once i went to work, some people are shocked to see me here, I told them i am only here to handle business with one of the Eisley. I went in Jacob office without knocking on the door seeing him fixing his pants. 

''what were you doing?'' i asked curiously. 

''i am fixing my pants.'' He looks sneaky but i had to ask if there is a girl under his desk seeing that there is no girl when i got to opening of the desk, where his laptop had a sex video where he was jerking off to. I couldn't help myself other to know he is making me laugh inside of my mind since he choose to not have sex all because i am pregnant so he thinks what is best is to jerk off. 

''Why don't you find someone to suck your cock?'' i asked.

''I am not going to cheat on you.'' he looked at me like i am stupid but he is here jerking off in his office without no one knowing and the best thing he could tell me is he is not going to cheat on me like this wasn't first offense.

''Isn't Kate here?'' I asked.

''No, i am not going to cheat on you because i committed to you only because I love you even if we are not having sex because now i think you are fertile as hell.'' At least he was honest, where he open his arm towards me.  I hugged him just knowing he really do love me so i give him a kiss but he couldn't hold himself,so he pushed his stuff off his desk placing me on the desk fucking me. 

I could not believe he is going to fuck me on the desk after a week fight we had but he told me he will take it easy with me since i am pregnant. I couldn't hold my urges at all by seeing him jerk off made me irrevocably irresistible. 

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