Where does your loyalty lies on

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One thing I did not know about Jacob was mainly why his family did not accepted me that night.

The one thing I just can't get right is with the parents.
Jacob and I lay off on the sex for about a week but still did not stop from wanting something from me all the time.

For most of the time I was mainly horny but I felt I could hold my urges of not wanting Jacob body on mines.

I call Eva,my best friend at work to talk to her about Jacob family not liking me.

" Oh honey,don't upset yourself on the guy family." She try cheering me.
" I don't get it because Elliot is a perv and Myra hates me with the other one." Weeping my eyes out from the pain I was feeling.
I called in sick because I just could not get it from the second I got to that party.

Meeting the parents was best if I was really in a relationship with him but now it would be best to out my feelings aside and just think of Jacob as easy fuck.

I knew Jacob saw me as an easy fuck too so it would be best if that how we see each other as.

Jacob came over to talk about what his family attitude and actions that night but I could not blame him for his family actions.

" That's why my family want to see you again." He cheered up smiling knowing the answer will be no.

" No!" I yelled because his family is tolerating my feeling enough for a day.

" Oh come on just one more chance." He plead even begging on the ground with his two knees.

I looked away crossing my arms because I did not want his family to take my happiness away when I am just fucking the rich kid.

Jacob never really told me anything to anybody let alone me.

He believes it hard to trust someone who will just break your heart.

" Jacob,can I ask you question?" Wondering will he answer it.

" What is it ?" Nearly angry as his face blush red.

"I want to know why you haven't had a girlfriend?" Chuckling on my laugh for seeing his face turn even more red.

" What kind of dumb question is that ?" Raising his voice.

I ran after he raise his voice at me because I felt he wanted to trampled himself right on top of me.

"Why did you ran ?" Coming up the stairs to find me.

I lock myself in the closet after he raise his voice on me in my own apartment.

I never knew when I press his buttons which I did not want to know because he was the one to quickly out his anger on someone or something.

" I did not mean to yell at you." Banging on the closet door but I was still afraid to come out.

It's was something dark and twisted about Jacob but I really did not want to know what it was.

He continue to bang on the closet door but my heart is racing so hard where I can hear it beating fast because I wanted to disappear from Jacob and his family.

" Please open the door,I did not mean for you to get scared." The banging on the door silently stopped but the words coming out of his devil mouth with the tears rolling down my face.

I open the door where he was standing helplessly sad since I ran in the closet.

" I did not mean to frightened you." Hugging tight into his muscular arms.

" About my family?" He trying to bring back the conversation before he scared me away.

" I guess I can give it try." Snuggling myself more into his arms.

" That's the spirit." He cheered with joy.

" You need to take it easily when someone is taking to you." Liking at Jacob right into his arms.

" I know but I can take it easily with you." Kissing his neck over and over.

" No I want a kiss on these lips." He pointed at his lips for me to kiss.

I kiss his soft lips,feeling his tongue down my throat. He grab me by the neck kissing me,where our tongues meet each other,strumming through his hair. The warmth of his lips really turn me on.

" I just want you",whispering and smiling toward him.

" I will be and always be." Jacob whispering in my ear removing my underwear.

" Remember we weren't going to have sex." Stopping him from reaching to the bottom of my legs with my underwear.

" I can't live without it even though I'm addicted to your body." Taking me by the neck tossing me to the couch.

Kissing my neck softly and sensually,went in the kitchen to get ice to put all over my neck.
The cool I was feeling but it was fire on my body when Jacob touch in the way I love.

He just turn me....I'm addicted to him.

His touch is my drug.

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