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Madison P.O.V 

In my head, I am thinking about how I am fighting these demons inside of me and why they are attacking me like this every time. I want to get out, but I am confused on how to get out because every time I am trying, they are taking me down and I need help to leave this hell hole.

I started to walk down on this dark aisle where I was confused because I was seeing dead people in stone positioned in the same way they met with their fateful deaths. The more I walked down on the aisle, my hands became darker, and my clothes changed from white to a dark gown that evil warlock wears. I had a crown on my head as I was walking down the aisle seeing a throne waiting for me. 

As the light was shunned upon me, I had saw the demons bowing down to me as they called me their majesty. I didn't understand how I was royalty to darkness because I tried to be lighter instead of darkness, especially when I found out that I will not have a mother because she is gone. I was walking to my throne since I was the queen of darkness, then I told one of my minions to fetch me something. My minion went to fetch me the most powerful thing I own in this dark kingdom of mines. 

Then I saw Jake walking down the aisle calling out my name, I got up from my throne looking in the direction of Jake's whereabouts. I kept hearing Jake voice calling out for me and I wanted to see where he was coming from because I missed him. Then Jake came out in the open from wherever he was telling me how much he loves me, and he needed to tell me how much he wants me back into his arms.

''I love you too.'' I walked down my throne walking towards him embracing him by giving him the most passionate kiss I ever gave him. Then he told me he needs to leave because there are guards after him because he needs to marry the princess from enchanted. I asked him why would they need him to marry the princess? He told me that he made a deal with the king from enchanted to let me go, so he will marry the princess. 

In that moment my heart was breaking because I thought Jake loved me, but he made a deal with the king to let me go, so he can marry the princess so he can live happily ever after while I am here in this dark enchanted kingdom. 

''Why did you make this deal?'' 

''I made this deal because they were going to kill you because you are the queen of this dark enchanted kingdom plus you are a sorceress.'' 

''So, you made a deal to have the sorceress away from your precious wife.'' I was getting angry, and I didn't know what was going on with me because everything started to twitch as I was getting angry. Rocks were cracking as lightning in the sky appears more aggressive while Jake tells me he did this to protect me because he found out that I am pregnant with his child, and he wants me to take care of our child instead of seeing me beheaded by the king. 

''What are you talking about?'' I didn't understand why he said that. 

''Touch your belly.'' He suggested. I touched my belly feeling something moving inside of me which made me angry because now I am carrying his child as he leaves me to marry the princess. I told him I will kill the king and the princess, but he told me to stay here to protect our child, but I was fill with anger at this moment and I wanted to every damage to this enchanted kingdom as possible I can. I didn't care about having his kid because he doesn't want to be with me because he rather protects me from a king who can understand who I am. 


''GET OUT, JAKE!''' I was getting angrier, and nothing was stopping me from killing the princess and her father,'' the king''. 

Back at the hospital 

While I was getting angrier inside of my mind, my body was acting a little more different from what was going on my mind. My body was shaking really hard to the point I was going to collapse and die. 

My father called out for help, and they had pushed him out of the room as the doctors and nurses came in the room helping me calm down, but my body was not calming down in no time soon. They rushed me to the operation ward of the hospital telling my father he will need to stay back as they do their jobs. 

''PLEASE HELP MY DAUGHTER.'' he was so scared. 

My dad was sitting down at the lobby as he was calling Lucas to come to the hospital because it was important. Lucas had received the messages his father was giving him instead of the phone calls because earlier he was busy fucking Mila since Sarah hasn't spoken to him after she found him kissing Mila right in front of her. 

I remember telling Lucas to not hurt Sarah because she is different from the rest of the girls at school because she is deep unlike the soulless girls Lucas tend to fuck at school. He didn't listen because he was screwing Mila which was his childhood crush. Some of you guys are thinking how I know, but I am listening to all the conversation that are taking place in my room as I am laying on this bed half-brain dead. 

Sarah came to the hospital to check up on me because she cares about me unlike some people. She sat next to my father asking him how was I doing? 

''She is in surgery now because she went into a shock.'' 

''Where's Lucas?'' 

''I have been calling and texting Lucas, but there is no response.'' 

''As usual.'' 

''How do you know my son?'' 

''I go to school with your son and your daughter which I care about.'' 

''My son?''

''No sir, I care about both of your children.'' 

''You don't have to call me sir, just call me Jacob.'' 

''Someone as young you have two young children.'' 

''Thank you, but it was the image of my beautiful wife reflecting right into my children which kept me young.'' A few hours I was back into my room with my eyes open wide awaiting for some family members to come in to hug me, but there was no one until a few minutes my father walked in the room with Sarah and Jake by his side. 

''Madison.'' Jake hugs me. 

''Hi, Jake.'' 

''Dad.'' I smiled. Then Lucas rushed into the room hugging me and kissing me on my forehead for waking up. 

''Thank you.'' 


''Waking up.'' 

''Well, thank you.'' I smiled until I realized there is something going on between Sarah with Lucas because he hasn't stare at her for the whole time he had been here. 

''Madison, I am happy that you are good and alive, but I need to go.'' Lucas didn't even look at her as she left the room. 

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