9 ~ The Drive

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I wake up to knocking on my door and a warm body pressed against my chest. "Hey St- Thomas and Newt, you start school today," my dad calls into my room. I give Newt a kiss on his neck to wake him up, though he doesn't wake up so I continue to kiss his neck until he wakes up. "Hey Newtie its time to wake up," I whisper to him as he slowly wakes up.

We wake up and both get dressed in t-shirts flannels and go downstairs, I see my father by the counter with breakfast ready and him already in his sherif uniform. "Hey dad, that smells good," I tell him and pride shines in his eyes. "Thanks Thomas," he says while smiling. "When I get home I'll bring your school supplies but for now you'll just need to borrow some stuff. I didn't know I'd need stuff sorry," he says while walking to the door. "I'm going to be late, gotta go. Bye!" Dad shouts while walking out

     Me and Newt walk outside and see a rusted blue Jeep. Seems like it's a miracle it can run. "Think everyone needs a ride?" Newt asks. "Let's find out," I respond 'Hey! Does anyone need a ride to school?' I ask everyone. 'Thomas!! I met my brother and he's really cool, but he goes to the high school so he can't drive me to the middle school. I still don't get why I can't be in high school I'm way smart enough.' Chuck answers back grumbling the last part, as I chuckle 'Ok Chuckie we'll come pick you up now. Any one else need a ride?' I question. 'Yes please! My sister and father are driving me crazy with all the questions! Just shut up!' Teresa responds. I look at Newt and we both start laughing hysterically. Teresa isn't much of a people person, for that matter we all aren't expect you know for each other.

'Ok Ter I'll pick you up too. Minho you need a ride?' I ask given he is the only one not to respond. 'Yeah, sure. I'll tell my sister I got a ride.' Minho responds. 'Ok coming to get all you shanks now.' I say

     I look over at Newt and smile. I pull out of the driveway and start driving, (let's just say he can drive) I reach over and take Newt's hand in mine. We pull up to Chuck's house first and I beep the horn. Once he opens the door and gets in I turn around. "You excited for school?" I ask with a smile, I know he always wanted friends his age. "Yeah it's going to be awesome! I'm going to get my schedule and then meet people! I'll already know everything so I can make new friends and help people!" Chuck says fast and excited.
I smile at him and pull out then go to Theresa's house.

     I see her sister talking to her as they walk out the door, I laugh at the expression on her face. "Hey Ter come on we gotta go!" I yell at her, giving her an excuse to get out of that conversation. "Coming Thomas!" She yells back as she runs to the car. I look back at her sister and she has a confused and hopeful expression on her face, though I don't pay it any mind. We pull out and head over to Minho's to pick him up.

     Same as Teresa Minho seems to want to get out of the conversation. "Hey Min-min time to go!" I yell over to him where he's standing by the front door of his house. He hops in the car and gives me a grateful look, I smile then pull back on the street and head to the middle school to drop of Chuck.

     We all talk about what it's like meeting our families when we pull up to the school. "Bye Chuck, have a good day! And let me know if you need anything ok." I tell him as I get out with him into a hug not wanting to let him go. Eventually I have to though so I let him go and watch as he walks into the building. Once he gets in I turn around and get back in the blue Jeep. I pull out and start the drive to the high school.

Hey so I might not be posting for a bit. I'll try to get updating as often as I can.

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