Episode 17: The Thing About the Ring

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we go to Dedede castle to see the D.E.J team playing a card game of go fish Escargoon grabbed a card from the deck when they didn't have a card he asked for

Escargoon: your next sire

Dedede: any queens, Escargoon?

Escargoon groaned as he gave Dedede two queens with Jonathan letting out a sigh making Dedede and Escargoon look with worried faces

Escargoon: something wrong, Jonathan?

Dedede: yeah, you seem done in the dumps

Jonathan: there hasn't been anything very fun to do in days, what do you think Doom is doing?

Escargoon: why are you thinking about that? you should be happy

Dedede: yeah, they haven't attacked for a while, just take a load off, be happy

Dedede spoke too soon when they heard an explosion outside and exited the throne room to see Scratch and Grounder in a new machine walking around the courtyard causing destruction with Jonathan saying

Jonathan: the Egg Walker

Escargoon: not another one

Dedede: we have to stop them

the D.E.J team hopped down from the second floor and onto the ground to fight Scratch and Grounder until they saw them walking towards them with new upgrades on the Egg Walker with Scratch saying

Scratch: Doom was right about them coming out to fight us in the Egg Walker

Grounder: yeah, but they can't beat us with the new upgrades on it

Scratch: you ding-bot, your not suppose to tell them that

Grounder: I wasn't?

Jonathan: that's our cue guys

Dedede: let's do this

as Scratch and Grounder got close to them, they started attacking the walker with all their might to stop them

Episode 17/battle 1[castle courtyard]

Heroes: Jonathan, Dedede, Escargoon
Armies: Waddle Dee Battalion
Villains: Egg Walker[boss/1st en]

the group had a hard time fighting the Egg Walker but they were able to knock it down with Scratch and Grounder ejecting out of it and out of the castle, Escargoon tried to hack into the walker only for the controls to blow up making smoke come out with Escargoon moving away from it saying

Escargoon: Doom is real tight about keeping others from finding out about his plans

Jonathan: he's getting more resilient then ever, we need to keep our guard up so he won't get us by surprise

Dedede: just hope it's not bad

Escargoon: I'm gonna take a walk around the castle, I need to get myself calm from what's been happening

Escargoon went for a walk in the castle while Jonathan and Dedede went back to the throne room, once they got to the throne room they saw the cards were still on the ground and decided to pick them up and put them away, but when they finished, they heard the doors open and saw Escargoon running to them saying

Escargoon: SIRE! you won't believe what happened today!

Dedede: this better be good

Jonathan: what is?

Escargoon: there's a ring in town and it's a legendary gem!

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