Episode 20: Dedede's Snow Job

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sorry for not having an image at the top of the chapter, wasn't able to save the image of the monster of this episode

we go to the castle to see the D.E.J team in the courtyard doing lawn work, Jonathan is clipping the hedges, Dedede's washing the windows and Escargoon's mowing the lawn, they had a bit of a rough time doing it until they were able to finish the lawn work and were panting saying

Jonathan: finally done

Dedede: guess Meta Knight was able to find out we were the ones that made the grass grow

Escargoon: yeah, but at least it was only a week of lawn work

the D.E.J team then trudged through the castle exhausted until they got to the throne room and laid down on the throne panting with Dedede pressing a button on his throne for the screen to come out with Customer Service to appear on it saying

Customer Service: hey guys, how's it... oh, you fellas look exhausted

Dedede: we've been doing lawn work, we just finished our one week punishment

Escargoon: we need to cool off

Jonathan: Ice Dragon

Dedede and Escargoon: Ice Dragon?

Customer Service: excellent choice, please stand by

after Customer Service pressed a button at his office, the monster delivery system sparked all over until a tiny dragon like monster appeared in the middle of it making Dedede and Escargoon shocked from what they saw with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: what the!? that's the Ice Dragon!?

Jonathan: small but strong

Customer Service: your a natural kid

Dedede: for real? [picks the Ice Dragon up by the back of the neck with his thumb and finger and holding it close to his face] looks like a ice maker to me

the Ice Dragon got mad and blew frost onto Dedede freezing his top body in ice letting go of the Ice Dragon, Escargoon was about to grab it only to back away when it was about to blow frost for it to run out of the throne room and jumped out of the castle walls, Jonathan and Escargoon went to the balcony with binoculars to see it was going really fast for how small it is with Dedede coming onto the balcony still frozen on the top part until he broke the ice and grabbed Escargoon's binoculars to see the Ice Dragon heading into the woods and said

Dedede: wow, let's see how well this will go

Jonathan: best not jinx it, bad things happen

Escargoon: for once we agree on something

Dedede: oh

the D.E.J team went back inside and started watching shows on Dedede's tv while eating snacks until they saw the windows fog up, they were confused about what's happening and when they went to the window, Jonathan opened it and they saw white little flakes falling from the sky with Jonathan saying

Jonathan: snow!

Dedede and Escargoon: snow?

Jonathan: it's something that come during the cold seasons

Dedede: wow

Escargoon: this will be interesting

the next day, Jonathan got a pair of boots and a scarf on and ran out of his room and saw snow everywhere and ran to the throne room to see Dedede and Escargoon wearing scarfs around their necks watching the snow fall with Escargoon saying

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