Doom episode 3: to hide, must seek

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we go to Bookem's police station to see nothing out of the ordinary until Doom came out from behind Bookem's desk blowing a dust bunny away and turned to the open cell saying

Doom Warper: find anything, King Koopa?

just then in the cell we see King Koopa popping his head out the toilet swallowing something then said

King Koopa: uh... three potato chips, and a old button

Coconuts: no loot? heading back to the kitchen

Doom Warper: I'm going back under Bookem's desk

King Koopa: Wendy! Robotnik! come on! searching for loot in other people's houses is fun

while King Koopa was talking he went back in the toilet only to reappear above the sink and when he finished talking he scuttled down like a bug into the drain of the sink with Robotnik and Wendy looking around not going inside of anything saying

Dr. Robotnik: like we would jump in other people's personal belongings

Wendy: you can if you want

King Koopa: wow! way cool!

Dr. Robotnik: dust mites?

Coconuts: cash?

King Koopa: no, an old issue of slug-u-la magazine

Doom Warper: tell me King Koopa, what's it like having butter toast for a brain?

without warning King Koopa jumped onto the chair squashing Doom under him to read the magazine with Coconuts, Wendy and Robotnik walking up to see it too with Doom yelling King Koopa's name just then Kirby came in with Tikori flying in and closing the door and the Doom team[with Doom out from under King Koopa] were wondering what Kirby and Tikori were doing until Kirby grabbed a vase and turned it upside down and shakes it up and down until Sonic came out with Kirby putting the vase back right side up on the table and Tikori said

Tikori: Kirby found you!

Kirby and Tikori then ran outside with Sonic walking and when they went outside the Doom team looked at eachother and then ran outside and saw some of the cappies and other world characters running around and Doom was about to ask one of them until the D.E.J team came by in their tank knocking the Doom team into the sky and then King Koopa and Coconuts fell to the ground first Robotnik and Wendy coming down second Doom almost hit the ground when he landed on Samus's back who was running through cappy town and Doom asked her what she was doing only to be thrown off when Samus stopped and when looked around the coast was clear and slammed her head and upper body into the ground with Doom walking up to Samus and putting his hand on her foot saying

Doom Warper: Samus, what are you doing?

Samus: I can't hear you, my head is in the ground, good-bye

Doom then saw the D.E.J team still on their tank and Doom jumped onto the tank and said

Doom Warper: hey

Dedede: Doom!?

Jonathan: get off our tank!

Doom Warper: you can't hide it from me, I'm too smart

but while Doom was talking the D.E.J team and their tank squeezed into a small hole in one of the trees and when he finished he fell to the ground until King Koopa pointed to something and said

King Koopa: look!

Doom Warper: what?

when Doom moved King Koopa out of the way he saw Ridley poking his head out of a bush and back in with Doom saying

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