Episode 4: Dark and Stormy Knight

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We see the castle while hearing Tiff and her family talk randomly until we go inside the castle with Dedede yelling

Dedede: QUIET!

when the Ebrim family quiet down Dedede went up to Tiff saying

Dedede: your hiding secrets from me

Tiff huffed turning her head making Dedede growl with sir Ebrem standing up saying

Sir Ebrem: sir, please be reasonable

Lady Like: use your head instead of your mouth

Ebrem tried to quite Lady Like until Dedede said

Dedede: Sir Ebrem, Lady Like, your daughter is hiding secrets about Kirby

Escargoon: you've been aiding an alien, traitor

Tuff: you don't have any proof she's a traitor!

the D.E.J team flinched when Tuff tried to attack but got held back by Tiff and when he stopped Dedede and Escargoon laughed while tickled Tiff and Tuff making them laugh, Dedede then patted Jonathan on the back telling him to stop and then put his hand in his robe saying

Dedede: well, lucky for you I got the proof right here

when Dedede pulled out some pictures the one in his hand showed Kirby on the warpstar with Tuff saying

Tuff: hey, that's Kirby beating the monster

Jonathan: it was also the first monster Doom mind controlled, we even still have the first piece of the door to for me to get back home

Dedede: what do have to say about that?

but when Dedede teared the picture in half he saw the Ebrem family picking up the pictures and were smiling until Dedede got their attention yelling

Dedede: LISTEN HERE! you think your smart, well I'm a lot smarter, Kirby ain't going anywhere without this ship

just then Waddle Doo came into the room saying

Waddle Doo: your majesty, there's someone outside that would like to talk to Jonathan

Dedede: let that someone inside

but when Waddle Doo opened the door the someone is Doom Warper, the D.E.J team and Ebrem family stepped back when they saw him and said

Dedede: what are you doing here!?

Escargoon: how did you even get past the Waddle Dees?

Doom Warper: I have my ways

Jonathan: if you think you can just walk in here and...

Jonathan didn't get to finish his sentence when Wendy came out from behind Doom making Jonathan jump up to the ceiling screeching like a cat making Wendy laugh with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: good thing he didn't jump on me this time

Dedede: you just jinxed yourself, Escargoon

Escargoon: oops

Jonathan then fell onto Escargoon making Dedede laugh saying

Dedede: that boy manages to find a way to make me laugh

Doom Warper: I'm just here to see what monster your going to order next

Jonathan: not telling you

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