Episode 11: the Big Taste Test

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we go to the castle to see Dedede and Jonathan sunbathing until came running in with a letter in his hand in panic and almost fell of the balcony but regained his footing and fell backwards hitting the wall making Jonathan chuckle saying

Jonathan: Escargoon hit the wall

Dedede: he needs to take a chill pill

Escargoon: sire, this is urgent!

Jonathan: the way your yelling, it must be urgent

Dedede: let me see, probably the electric bill, Chef Shiitake? who's that?

Escargoon: only the greatest chef in dreamland, owns his own restaurant and has his own cook book in every store

Jonathan: you don't mean!?


Dedede then grabbed Escargoon by the eye stalk and shook him around saying

Dedede: what are we going to cook up?

Escargoon: we could order pizza

Jonathan: chefs can see if the food is made in the building or from a restaurant it came from

Dedede then threw Escargoon into the sky and walked back and fourth thinking of what to cook until Escargoon came down, bounced on one of the chairs and landed on Dedede and gained a scared look with Dedede turning his head to Escargoon and chuckled, a few minutes later we see the D.E.J team enter the kitchen while Escargoon wandered why they were in kitchen until he saw Dedede holding a pan while Jonathan was holding a pizza peel which made Escargoon realize what they're doing a grabbed a soup ladle and a pot lid beginning the battle.

Episode 11/battle 1 (area [castle kitchen])

Heroes: Jonathan, Dedede
Villains: Escargoon[boss]

the two were trying their best to knock the kitchen utensils out of Escargoon's hands until Dedede whacked the soup ladle away from Escargoon and was about to swing the pan until Escargoon grabbed a big wooden pot lid and pushed it against Dedede enough to flip Jonathan onto Dedede and run to the door but Jonathan leaped onto Escargoon's head for Dedede to run between Escargoon and the door and swung the pan knocking Escargoon away while Jonathan went to the door and locked it with Dedede saying

Dedede: nowhere to run now

Escargoon: sire please! I can't be cooked, I mean too much for you

Jonathan: it's okay, sometimes you have to do what's best

Dedede: yeah, and what's best is to let your king fry you up

Escargoon: I can't believe it's gonna end like this!

Jonathan: this will blow over somehow

Dedede: let's get this done with

Escargoonzz: not this time!

Escargoon then grabbed the pepper shaker and threw it at Dedede making pepper dust fly out and touched Dedede and Jonathan's nose making them sneeze while Escargoon laughed but stopped when he saw Dedede and Jonathan growing an angry look making Escargoon gain a scared look and started running with Jonathan running close with Dedede behind them saying

Dedede: come back here you sniveling snail!

Jonathan: it will be over soon!

Escargoon: sire, you can't cook me! you don't even know how to boil an egg!

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