D.E.J episode 3: the time strain

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we go to the castle to Jonathan's room to see Jonathan sound asleep but turned over and opened his eyes then screamed when he saw Dedede in his bed saying

Jonathan: Dedede! what are you doing in my bed!?

Dedede: I can't sleep Jonathan, I keep thinking, how can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

Jonathan: Dedede, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!

Jonathan kicked Dedede off his bed onto the floor and when Jonathan was starting to get back to sleep Dedede appeared on the other side of the bed and saw a lava lamp on a drawer and said

Dedede: why does goo float?


Jonathan was horrified when Dedede put the lava lamp in his mouth and chewed it with the glow from it coming out of Dedede's eyes and then he grabbed Jonathan by the leg saying

Dedede: Jonathan, why don't birds take a bus south for the winter?

we now go to the kitchen in Ebrem's apartment to see Jonathan in one of the drawers with a blanket trying to get some sleep with Dedede opening and closing the fridge door saying

Dedede: Jonathan, when you close the fridge door does the little light stay on?

Jonathan: SLEEP NOW!

Dedede opened and closed the fridge door saying hi to the light through the night until it became morning and Jonathan was sleeping soundly with Lady Like cooking food on the stove until Jonathan woke up when Dedede came in with a carrot in his hand saying

Dedede: carrots are good for your eyes Jonathan, can it dial a phone?

Jonathan: your acting like one of the characters from the show I watch, why not think of something? like... how you got your face on the D-bills and cents?

Dedede: Jonathan, why does Tuff have a deck of cards on the dining room table?

Jonathan: uh... is Meta Knight with Escargoon?

Lady Like: I would like to see what you three do on one of these scams

we now go to Escargoon's room of the castle to see Escargoon and Meta Knight taking a antic radio apart piece by piece and when Meta Knight plucked out a small light-bulb for Escargoon to see what it is and said

Meta Knight: this light-bulb is very small

Escargoon: that would be a ant-resister, why this is amazing

Jonathan: hi Meta Knight!

Meta Knight jumped screaming into Dedede's arms when Jonathan scared him from behind and then Meta Knight said

Meta Knight: Jonathan, you know I hate that! hello sire

Jonathan: what are you guys doing with this toaster? where does the bread go anyway? wait, this is a antic radio

Escargoon: you see, we're disassembling it, why if we knew everything we...

Jonathan: we would be famous, yes! and rich

Dedede: like potato salad?

Escargoon was gonna ask Jonathan a question only to be pushed down a bit when Jonathan came over saying

Jonathan: I see sweets, loads of them! it's time that we learn!

Escargoon: alright!

Lady Like: that's the spirit!

Meta Knight: where to first?

Escargoon: let's go to Gus's station

Jonathan: we're going to be eggheads, rich eggheads!

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