Doom episode 5: Oath to a Man

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we go to Robotnik's room to see Robotnik coming out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and saw some clothes on his bed, but when he picked up the shirt, it unfolded like cardboard, then he picked up the pants and flicked it lightly making a gong sound shaking Robotnik from it making him stutter, a bit later, Robotnik bounced on his feet from the immobile clothes he's wearing until he saw Doom, King Koopa, Wendy and Coconuts wearing the same immobile clothes as he is but different sizes

Dr. Robotnik: there must've been a sale

Coconuts: I hate new clothes

King Koopa: I love canoes

Wendy: oh dad

Doom Warper: come on team, let's break them in, follow me [turns and tries to walk only to fall forward making him grumble]

King Koopa: look at me! woo hoo! [moves one leg at a time while laughing]

Dr. Robotnik: King Koopa! [hops after King Koopa with Wendy and Coconuts hopping along from behind]

Doom Warper: I said follow me! [crawls after the group]

after some walking, hopping and crawling, the team made it to a pond with streams being as small as Coconuts' tail, Doom, Wendy and Coconuts ducked into their clothes and jumped out through the the collar of the shirts with their clothes falling to the ground while King Koopa pulled his arms in and opened his clothes like a door and then walked out and slammed it closed, but Robotnik wasn't coming out of his clothes worried about what'll happen to them with Doom saying

Doom Warper: come on Robotnik, take them off

Dr. Robotnik: I'm fine sir, I like my new clothes

Coconuts: fat chance

King Koopa: Yeeha! [dives into the pond getting the others attention and begins splashing his hands in the water]

Wendy: still acting like a child

Coconuts: you ready big guy?

King Koopa: I've been practicing [begins turning side to side saying wish wash over and over]

Doom Warper: he's almost as weird as Jonathan

Dr. Robotnik: why is he acting like a washing machine?

Wendy: give it up Robotnik [pushes Robotnik into the pond making him scream]

Coconuts: [tosses his and Wendy's clothes into the pond] you think Robotnik is okay?

Dr. Robotnik: [rises his head above the water spitting some out of his mouth] I think I need some new white clothes

Doom Warper: [tosses his and King Koopa's clothes into the pond while taking out a whistle] you think that's bad, wait until King Koopa hears the whistle [then blows into the whistle making King Koopa stop turning until]

King Koopa: spin cycle! [spins in the middle of the pond really fast making Robotnik scream at the top of his lungs from the pull of the spin until he heard Doom blow the whistle again stopping his spin] washer off!

Doom Warper: [takes his and King Koopa's clothes out of the pond with Coconuts and Wendy taking their own clothes out] they should be comfy now [only to see the clothes crumble to pieces confusing him, Wendy and Coconuts]

Coconuts: how is that even possible

King Koopa: [lifts Robotnik from under the arms out of the water and above it] look! stains gone!

Dr. Robotnik: ya think? [feels his clothes crumble to pieces and cover himself in embarrassment] that's not something you see everyday

after an hour or two, Doom and his team were back in their casual clothes and in a tree eating some cherries with Doom saying

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