D.E.J episode 1: the secret book

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We start the episode seeing Dedede angrily chew some gum until Jonathan came in and said

Jonathan: I'm in my happy place Escargoon!

Jonathan then grabbed the gum with his teeth pulling it out of Dedede's mouth making him fall and then said

Dedede: I forgot that part

we then see Jonathan chewing the gum real fast with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: I don't see why the gum is trouble, it's perfectly fine

but he spoke too soon when Jonathan started to blow a bubble with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: Jonathan, are you blowing a BUBBLE!? NOW I SEE WHY THE GUM IS TROUBLE!

Dedede chuckled when he saw what was happening with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: inhale Jonathan! decrease your breathing!

Dedede then saw Jonathan floating in the air with the bubble gum real big and said

Dedede: hey! get here with my gum!

when he moved we see Kawasaki and Curio watching what was happening and Kawasaki said

Kawasaki: hey your majesty, is that a hot-air balloon?

Dedede: what's it to you?

when Dedede pulled Jonathan to the ground he got an idea and said

Dedede: why of course, we just got it ready

Kawasaki and Curio then got in Jonathan's pockets making them huge with Dedede saying

Dedede: you get to ride it for 1 d-bill each

but when he let go of Jonathan to receive the money he opened his eyes to see they are already airborne and ran to the front raising his hand to them saying

Dedede: hey! pay up freeloaders!

Jonathan then grabbed Dedede's arm and swung him onto the bubble with his head and arms out and the group started to float in the air with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: this is bad! hang on, I'll think of something to get you down!

Kawasaki and Curio couldn't hear Escargoon and they said

Curio: I couldn't hear what he said

Kawasaki: race you to the top

Curio: you're on

the two started to climb until they reached the top with Curio saying

Curio: I'm getting too old for this

Escargoon saw what was happening and said

Escargoon: Kawasaki, Curio, get back in your seats!

Dedede: Escargoon! Jonathan was right! this gum is indestructible!

we then see Chief Bookem holding a rifle aiming at the giant bubble gum with Buttercup coming outside and said

Buttercup: are they up to another one of those scams again?

Chief Bookem: that's what they've been doing for a while now, I still remember the scam when they made some bowling balls and bowling pins look like ice cream and broke Tiff's teeth, Jonathan told me that one of the characters from the show he watched has braces, and now Tiff has braces and it's a good thing their the ones that stick to your teeth{it's true, Tiff now have braces from the first scam episode to the movie due to one of the scams the D.E.J crew did}

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