Episode 14: The Pillow Case

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Sorry for not updating for a while, I had writers block on the brain, but I'm back and here's a new chapter.

We go to Dedede castle to see it is peaceful until an explosion came from one of the towers making it fall over and we zoom in to see the D.E.J team are fighting Doom with Ridley and Robotnik all over the wall.

Episode 14/battle 1 (area [Dedede castle wall])

Heroes: Jonathan, Dedede, Escargoon
Villains: Doom Warper[boss/15th en], Dr. Robotnik[elite/9th en], Ridley[elite/5th en]

Jonathan and Doom were fighting with swords, Dedede and Ridley were fighting with giant hammers and for Escargoon and Robotnik they're just fighting hand-to-hand, it went on for a while until Dedede tripped Ridley making him rolled into Robotnik and Doom and out of the castle, the D.E.J team then walked through the hall in a slump with Escargoon saying

Escargoon: this is really exhausting, if only there was a way for us to get a good nights rest when we're tired out

Dedede: maybe we can talk to Customer Service about that

Jonathan: I hope so

when they got to the throne room they fell front down onto the floor with Dedede pushing a button while on the floor and the monster delivery system came out with Customer Service coming up on the screen saying

Customer Service: hey there... oh my, you guys look tired

Dedede: it's Doom, he and his team have been attacking the castle day by day every week, I don't know how much more we can take

Jonathan: we need a break

Escargoon: got anything to help with our problem?

Customer Service: I have just the thing, please stand by

when Customer Service pushed a button on his key board the delivery system turned on and when the light show was over there was a bunch of pillows on the pad until they fell off and some fell on the D.E.J team causing them to shot up with Dedede saying

Dedede: why do you have these pillows?

Customer Service: their for...

Jonathan: we know they're for sleeping, what do we do with all of them!?

Customer Service: you can give them to everyone in dreamland, even the Doom team, but when Doom tries to sleep with that pillow he'll get nightmares

Escargoon: that can be useful

Jonathan: yeah, let's do it!

a few hours after the show they made for the pillows they sold all the pillows to every one but three pillows, the D.E.J team were wondering if they work with Dedede saying

Dedede: wonder if these things really work

Escargoon: there're from N.M.E, does anything from them don't work?

Dedede: only one way to find out

Escargoon: why do I have to be the guinea pig?

Dedede: cause I say so! [slamming a pillow onto Escargoon's head]

Jonathan: that's not how you swing a pillow on them, let me show you

when Dedede backed away Jonathan swung the pillow on the side of Escargoon's head so hard Jonathan launched Escargoon a foot away making Dedede laugh, Escargoon then put a pillow down on the ground and lied down on it falling asleep peacefully with Dedede and Jonathan becoming confused saying

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