Doom episode 1: the repair of Doom

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we see Doom in a chair looking out one of the windows of his ship with Wendy by his side until King Koopa came over and spun him around towards him saying

Doom Warper: King Koopa, what in the world of dreamland are you doing?

King Koopa: you've been looking out that window for three days, even through meals, so I thought I could cheer you up with a circus trick, behold

when King Koopa moved to the side Doom saw a seesaw with Robotnik on the one side of it with Coconuts on his shoulders saying

Dr. Robotnik: what's our motive again?

Coconuts: don't ask me, King Koopa's the one that wanted to cheer the boss up

King Koopa: you guys ready?

Dr. Robotnik and Coconuts: that's not good

when the two looked up we see King Koopa on top of a tower of the carrier making Doom laugh saying

Doom Warper: ha ha, hup hup!

Wendy Koopa: no, no!

King Koopa: HUP, HUP!

King Koopa then jumped off the tall tower and he was falling like a rock with Doom and Wendy keeping their eyes on King Koopa only to see him break the seesaw and getting his body stuck in the floor of the carrier making Doom walk over saying

Doom Warper: King Koopa! look what you've done to my ship!

King Koopa: it's not much damage

Coconuts: but we would need a repair man to fix it

Doom Warper: Coconuts, that's it! we can become a repair crew to fix broken items, for a certain fee of course

Dr. Robotnik: but sir, we're tired, can't we just...

Wendy Koopa: nope

when the four left King Koopa was still stuck in the floor of Doom's ship not knowing what happened until he stupidly said

King Koopa: so did I cheer you up, or what?

we go to the police station to see Bookem's wife Buttercup baking cookies and then she went to the oven saying

Buttercup: looks like the cookies are ready for the kids, [grunts] it's stuck

Chief Bookem: allow me dear, [grunts] it's like trying to get Jonathan down from a tree, him and his stupid fear of heights

Buttercup: my cookies! s.o.s! mayday! man the life boats!

just then Doom kicked open the door with the other five following inside wearing plumber pants and Doom said

Doom Warper: not to worry my friend, Doom repair will fix what's broke and you won't sue

Dr. Robotnik: should've hired someone to fix that rhyme

Coconuts: [chuckles] good one Dr. Robotnik

King Koopa: [sniffs] I smell cookies! YUM YUM YUM!

Chief Bookem: go away! I can do it myself!

Doom Warper: looks like we got a do it yourselfer here, oh well, come on fellas

Wendy Koopa: but Doom...

Dr. Robotnik: wait for it

Doom Warper: Bookem said he and his wife can fix it their selves, see ya

when Doom closed the door Buttercup looked in the oven to see the cookies are burning then ran to the door and opened it to call Doom but doesn't know Doom was leaning on the door saying

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