D.E.J episode 4: Flea Bitten Tiff

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To make up for not being able to make the next scam chapter, I'm going to make this and the Doom episode, hope you all forgive me.

We go to the Mayor's house to see Jonathan on top of the Mayor's garage hammering nails into a sign onto the garage and when he finished he turned away from the sign and said

Jonathan: how's it look guys?

but when he spoke the nails in his mouth fell upwards and then the screen turned half-way to see Jonathan and the sign are upside down on the Mayor's garage with Dedede and Tuff lounging on some lawn chairs sipping cold soda from their glasses but when they looked up to the sign they saw it was upside down making Tuff laugh with Dedede saying

Dedede: Jonathan! you put the sign on upside down!

Jonathan: no, I put the sign on, the garage!

Tuff: just flip it over, Jonathan!

Jonathan: flip it? got it!

Dedede: Tiff, Escargoon, tell me how the progress is going on those brushes before something happens

Escargoon: if you must know, we got the brushes in exact order

Tiff: we have them in short to long, hard to soft, in that order

without warning the group became shocked when they saw Jonathan flip the Mayor's garage upside down and said

Jonathan: I flipped it, Tuff!

Tuff: I didn't mean that!

Jonathan: runaway!

Escargoon: well, I can read it

Tiff: same

Dedede: Dedede's pet boutique is open for business!

we then see the group appear out of the bush in order with Tiff and Tuff on Dedede's shoulders saying

Dedede: King Koopa and the Shepherd got tons of stinky animals

Escargoon: their absolutely filthy

Dedede and Escargoon: ow!

Jonathan: you mean the Shepherd's animals?

while they were looking around at the animals they saw King Koopa hammering some metal while the Shepherd is watching how it works until King Koopa stopped hammering it and looked to see it is fully heated and dipped it into a bucket of water and when he pulled it out the metal part was a type of metal shoe and saw the D.E.J team in the bushes and said

King Koopa: not you guys again, we're in the middle of making metal shoes for the chickens

Shepherd: so it's best if you don't bother us, the chickens are gonna need the exercise to be able to lift those shoes, goodbye

Escargoon: we're here to help you guys, Dedede...

Dedede: you got a lot of dirty animals all over your place, and we made a pet salon to do it

Tuff: it took a lot of work to do it

Tiff: you and Dedede were lounging about

Jonathan: I put up the sign!

Dedede: so, for a little green, we'll make your dirty, flea-infested animals, clean!

Escargoon: flea-infested!?

King Koopa: that's amazing, now we can have more time to watch our show

Shepherd: go ahead

we go back to the Mayor's garage to see the chickens on a conveyor belt into a tub of soapy water then rinsed behind a curtain, blow dried and put into an empty tub that Tuff is operating while Jonathan was running by with some brushes in his arms but backed up when he saw the chickens and became hypnotized until Escargoon said

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