Chapter 5

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I opened the door to my house and went inside, shutting the door behind me. I took of my shoes and put my bag on the sofa, sighing.

"Where did you go?" My mum asked.

"Out." I said, I didn't want to get into much detail so I went to upstairs to my room before she could say anything else.


My alarm woke me up and I rubbed my eyes and stretched. For some weird reason I didn't mind going to college today.

So I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

After I got out, I changed into a simple white top with thin black lines printed on along with a simple pair of black skinny jeans with a linen jacket. I picked out a silver bracelet and a silver necklace and to match with it, a cream bag with a pair of black boots.

I left my hair out as usual then grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"You look happy." My mum said, placing two toasts on each plate.

"I'll pass on the toast." I said, grabbing an apple instead.


I parked my car and got out. As I made my way to Blair, El and Dani, Zayn went past me, his vanilla scent following him.

"Hey Zayn." I called.

He turned around, nodded and gave me a small smile, "hi."

"I gotta go, but I'll catch you around."

"Yh, me too." I waved.

He turned back around and I smiled to myself.

I was happy that I didn't have to dread coming to college everyday now that me and Zayn are getting along.

I made my way to Blair, El and Dani.

"Why are you smiling?" Eleanor asked.

"Smiling? I'm not smiling." I claimed.

Blair and Danielle smirked.

"Go on. Spill." Dani smiled.

I ignored her question and carried on smiling, I couldn't help it.

"Come on, we'll be late." I said, making my way to first period.

I opened the classroom door and sat down on the third row and got out my phone.

Later on, people starting coming inside and soon the lesson started.

I got out my books and a pen for the lesson and put my bag on the empty seat to my left.

As I started writing the date, someone coughed.

I looked to my left and then rolled my eyes while smiling, I seem to be doing that a lot today.

"Are you like, choosing the same subjects with me on purpose or something?" I smiled.

"Maybe, maybe not." He smiled back.

Soon the teacher came in and everyone quietened down.

"I'm Mrs Haller. Now I know I'm not your usual teacher but unfortunately he's off sick today and might even be off sick for the next week or two. So in the meantime I will be covering your lesson."

We were half an hour into a lesson and I was so close to sleeping.

"How are you not yawning?" I asked Zayn, still facing the teacher.

He didn't answer so I turned to him to see him on his phone, earphones plugged in his ears.

"Zayn." I whisper shouted.

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang