Chapter 6

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"You heard me..." I mumbled.

She squealed and I rolled my eyes, "I swear to god Blair, if you spill that out..."

"Alright I won't. But your gonna have to tell him, if not then I'll do it myself." She smirked.

I stared at her in disbelief.

"What?" She smiled, "I love, love."

Soon it was lunch break and I decided to see if Zayn wanted to go out for lunch.

I spotted him near the lockers, putting in his gym clothes in a bag and into his locker.

I took in several deep breaths before finally gaining the courage to go up to him.

"Hi Zayn." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.

"Wanna go grab some lunch?" I asked, way to quickly.

"I can't today, I'm already going out to lunch with someone else. But I'm free tomorrow." He replied.

"Yeah okay." I nodded. "See you around."

I turned around to leave.

"So are you going?" Blair said, jumping out of no where.

"No, he's going out with some other friends."

"And your okay with that?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, "come on, I'm starving."


I walked out the gates and stopped when someone called my name.

"Skylynn!" Zayn called, I turned around and smiled,

"I'm coming around to yours again, wanna walk me?"

"Okay." I simply said.

The walk was way better than my usual walks home.

Zayn was imitating Mrs Haller and I was laughing at it.

I then sneezed out of no where.

"Bless you." He said.

I stared at him and laughed.

"Bless you? I never thought that would ever come out of your mouth." I laughed even harder.

"Well why not?" He smiled.

I stopped laughing and looked into his eyes, "I dunno, I guess you always had that bad ass personality. Which I lov-- am really into."

We reached my house and I fished for my keys.

I opened the door and we both went inside, me shutting the door behind us.

Zayn put his jacket on the coat hanger and sat down on the sofa.

"Oh great. Your not raiding my room today." I said, going I the kitchen to get a snack.

"I really pissed you last time didn't I?" He laughed.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes while looking in the fridge.

I then found a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream and grabbed it, along with two spoons.

I sat down next to Zayn on the sofa and gave him his spoon.

He took the spoon and turned on the TV, putting his arm around me.

At first it was awkward but then I snuggled in more closer.

The movie I chose was a Rom Com, loved them. Always have always will.

Soon the movie ended with a kiss. It was really awkward then because me and Zayn didn't know weather to look or turn the TV off.

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Where stories live. Discover now