Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 already!! Well I guess this is half way through the book.. Enjoy xP


My tears were still streaming down my face, I couldn't help it. What was wrong with him? I gave him another chance and he just threw it away.

I checked online for the nearest hotel but it was like an hour away, so I had no choice but to stay at my Mum's place. I groaned loudly inside my head.

After 10 minutes or so I parked my car and got out, slowly walking towards the front door.

I stood anxiously on to doorstep for a few minutes, wondering what to say. Finally I took all the courage I needed and rang the doorbell. To my surprise, my dad opened the door instead.

He looked surprise too, "oh.. Sky long time no talk buddy." He smiled from ear to ear, I gave a small one back while raising my eyebrows.

I stepped in and my mum came into the hall.

I glanced at her then frowned and looked at the ground. She instantly knew what was going on.


I didn't know what to do. I don't know why I can't get over what I did to her. I lay down on the empty bed and tried to clear my mind, but every time I close my eyes Sky's hurtful and betrayed blue eyes come into my mind.

Why? Why did I do this? Why didn't I stop when I knew that my feelings towards her were growing? Why was I being so selfish by thinking about the money? Why did I hurt the one I loved so much?

If I can't forgive myself then I can't keep on thinking about her. I'll have to move on, even though it'll hurt so much.


Why? Why did I let him get so close to me? Why didn't I see this coming? Why can't I ever be happy?

I was lying down on my bed thinking about the events that just happened. It happened all so fast.

Zayn lies. I follow him. I find out the truth. I decide to forgive him. He doesn't want to forgive himself. He basically throws me out.

All because of this stupid journal. Journal.

I got out of bed, went to my suitcase and grabbed my journal. I sat on the floor and opened it nervously at a random page.

April 17th 2015,

Harry. That was all I could think about. Literally. Harry, Harry, Harry. The moment he came into my life everything seemed more happy, joyful, loving.

I love everything about him. The way his emerald green eyes sparkle in the sun, the way his chestnut brown hair is styled to perfection, the way his t-shirt clings on to his body showing off his shape.

I just can't get him around my head. I hope he feels the same way. I know this relationship will last forever.

I stared at the page for a few seconds.. Wow. I obviously and no idea what was coming my way. I turned to another page and read on.

April 29th 2015,

Harry obviously feels the same way. He treats me like I'm the only one for him, I love it. He makes me feel special and worthy. Whenever I'm around him I feel like I'm glowing inside and out, no one has ever made me feel like that before.

The only problem is my mum. Ugh, god I wish I could get the hell away from her. She doesn't get it, she never will. She thinks because dad left her every other men is exactly like him.

Wow... I wrote some pretty deep stuff. I carried on anyway.

May 1st 2015,

I'm in Harry's house now. I had to get away from her she was taking it too far. Apparently tattooed men were no good. I didn't tell harry this of course, I didn't want to offend him.

I turned the page once again, I couldn't stop.

May 3rd 2015,

Harry eventually found out that my mum didn't really approve of him. I thought that this was it, everything we had was over. I was far from wrong. Harry was so into this relationship more than I was, he was risking sneaking around to meet each other.

I was stunned, no one has ever done this much for me. I agreed without thinking how risky it would be. I didn't care right now, I just wanted him.

Why was I so stupid back then? I should've known that he was no good from the start. Automatically, I turned the page again.

May 20th 2015,

I just feel so stupid now. Thinking Harry was the only one for me, Yh right. I should've known that he was obviously with other girls too behind my back. I can't blame him though, he is that person that you can't get your head off.

He broke my heart today. I literally felt a knife go through me when he said he didn't want a relationship because of all the sneaking about. I also found out he was with another girl all this time.. :( It hurts as hell. Ugh god I should've never been with him in the first place.

Well I guess this is it now, I can't ever be happy again. I guess I'll never be writing in here again because if I do it'll be me complaining about how unlucky my life is..

I turned to the next page, expecting it to be empty and sure enough it was. I grabbed a pen from my desk and started writing.

September 6th 2015,

I was clearly wrong about never being happy every again. Zayn made me feel like the happiest person on earth. Every time I'm around him I feel... Wow. It's just so indescribable, just like the magical kisses we have.

Today was an unlucky day though. He decided to let go after everything we've been through. Turns out he was doing something behind my back and when I finally forgave him he decided he couldn't forgive himself.

He's all I seem to be thinking about now. Well I guess I'll have to be patient and wait till he finally forgives himself for what he done to me.

I shut the journal and put my pen down. I sighed. I almost forgot how good it felt to express all my feelings on paper, where no one can re-read them except from me.

No more zylynn... 💔😢............. How about a vote for this chapter? :)

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