Chapter 17

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Night one without her. No text, no calls, nothing. I was starting to wonder what the heck I was doing. Why am I pushing away the person I love the most?

As I gently closed my eyes I could see her sky blue eyes full of tears and shattered betrayal...
"Leave. Get me out of your head, I don't want you picturing me when you let us go." She spoke, teeth gritted. I quickly opened my eyes with a startle.

I guess I wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon.


Night two came along very slowly. The whole day dragged; as if my day without her couldn't be put together.

Nights turned to weeks, which turned to a month, then lead on to 5 months.


I lifted my eyelids gently, while smiling at my beautiful blond.

"Morning." She said with a smile.

I played with her hair for a minute or so.

"Any dreams tonight?" She asked softly, trailing her hands down my cheek.

"Thanks to you, no." I told Gabby.

I lied. Yesterday nights dream wasn't as bad as the one I had a few weeks ago. Gabby was my therapist. I had decided that I couldn't put up with her broken face that I kept picturing in my head every night, so I booked weekly appointment with a therapist. Gabriella. Once a week became twice a week and before I knew it, we were in bed together.

It's the right thing to do, at least that's what I kept saying to myself. Gabby's voice distracted me from my thoughts.

"Well you don't want to miss that photo shoot this morning. You better get dressed." She told me, whilst untangling herself from me and hopping into the bathroom.

Modelling was what I do for a living, so I am well known. Today's photo shoot was for the front cover of  Vogue. I was told to come in at 11.

I glanced at the clock, 10:43.
"Fuck," I cursed under my breath.

I jumped out and ran into the bathroom, startling Gabby.

She chuckled, "late as always."

I got ready within 10 minutes, and the ride was a good 20 minutes long. I skipped breakfast and kissed Gabby goodbye.

After a good load of traffic, I finally arrived. I rushed into the building and nodded at Connor.

"Half an hour late, mate." He said as I waited for the lift.

"Thanks mate, I'll make it up to you." I said whilst pressing the damn lift button again.

"Don't thank me, thank the pretty blond that is still waiting for you." He said, as I jumped into the lift as soon as it came.

I rushed into where I was assigned to go and opened the door.

"I'm sorry, was stuck in a load of traff-" I stopped in my tracks as soon as our eyes met.

The room was starting to get warm. The windows were wide open yet it seemed like neither of us could breathe. Fuck, Skylynn was here. She was my photographer. I had to get out of here. But for some damn reason my legs forgot how to move.

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Where stories live. Discover now