Chapter 19

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*4 years later*

I couldn't believe this day had finally come. After all the trials and tribulations we have finally made it. Me and the love of my life, my best friend, my soulmate.

"Does my veil look alright?" I asked Cami anxiously.

She adjusted it a little and looked into my eyes, with her hands on my shoulders.

"You look stunning." Cami responded with a beaming smile.

I grabbed my white heels from the countertop and sat on the suede pink chair, Cami took the heels and motioned for me to let her put them on me. This is why she's my best friend, without her what will I do?

As she gently slipped my foot into the heels I sighed, my breath shaking a little.

"Do you think he'll still want to marry me? After everything?"

Cami chuckled, "he wants to marry you because of everything." She tied the strap and I handed her my other foot.

"After everything you two have been through, you still came out together strong as ever. If that doesn't prove how much love you have for each other then I don't know what does." I smiled at her.

"Ok. You ready?" Cami said, lifting herself up and adjusting the curls on her hair.

"I think so." I inhaled deeply.


Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. This is really fucking happening.

I am really about to spend the rest of my life with my ultimate love, my best friend, my soulmate.

"Bro do I really have to wear a tie?" I asked my best mate, Harry.

"Yes. What kind of groom doesn't wear a tie on his wedding day?" Harry raised an eyebrow and smiled.

After everything me and Sky have been through, I can confidently say that me, her and Harry have come out stronger than ever.

Yes, there may have been a complication in the beginning. However we've put that aside because our past doesn't define us.

"You ready bro?" Harry smiled at me while adjusting the buttons of his tuxedo.

"I think so." I inhaled deeply.

I made my entrance and stood at the other end, waiting for my beautiful bride to enter.

As the music filled the room, the large doors opened.

And there she was. Slowly walking the aisle with Louis by her side.

She looked breathtaking in white. The way it hugged her body just perfectly and the way it complemented her in every way.

Skylynn is always stunning but I didn't think she could get any more beautiful than she already was.

I gave her a small smile and she returned one back.

This was it. This was the love of my life. And I was going to spend each and every day with her.

Each day I will wake up to her beautiful smile. Each day I will laugh with her. Each day I will cry with her. Each day I will make a hell of a lot of memories with her. Each day I will grow old with her. Each day I will continue to love her.

As she got nearer, I took her hand and she stood opposite me— not breaking eye contact once.

As we exchanged our vows and declared our love for each other, we began to dance.


I lay my head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat as we all danced. 

Words can't describe how excited I am to begin this new chapter of my life; of our life.

"Can we just go home already? I'm tired and I wanna lay in bed cuddled up with you." Zayn whispered in my ear.

I giggled, "I would love that too," I looked up at him. "We're married now!"

Zayn flashed that beautiful smile that makes me flutter, even to this day.

"You're mine. All mine. And I'm yours, all yours. Forever." He looked deep into my eyes, and I could see them honey-brown eyes full of love and excitement.

We continued to stare into each other's eyes until a heard a husky voice beside me.

"May I take this dance?" Harry asked Zayn, he nodded and went to grab a drink.

"You look beautiful." Harry complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, a genuine smile.

"You and Zayn. I can truthfully say, hand on heart, that I've never seen two people more in love-"

I opened my mouth to interrupt but he continued.

"A love like that is quite rare. I see the way he looks at you all the damn time, and I must say a love like that needs to be protected at all cost. And I know the way your hearts yearn for each other even through the roughest times, and every single damn time you two come back together. Every single time. Without a fail."

I stopped dancing and furrowed my eyebrows at Harry.

He gave me a warm smile and continued to sway me around back and forth.

"He's the one for you. Without a fucking doubt in the world. The universe wants you together. And if it makes the both of you smile then it'll make me smile ten times harder. You deserve the best after what you've been through. And I hope you have a happy marriage." He finished.

I looked up at Harry again, "thank you." I smiled, "you might not know it, but I pray for your happiness too you know. One day you will find your other half."

Harry looked behind me for a moment too long and I noticed a hint of nervousness in his emerald eyes.

"Well there is someone I'd like to know, although I'm not sure how I might come across as to her, you know depending on what you've told her and all." Harry raised his eyebrows and shyly smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion for a second, then my eyes brightened with shock.

"Cami?! No way! Who would've thought!" I screamed lightly, surprised.

Harry looked down, shy.

"Well isn't this news for both of us." I laughed, "don't worry, I'll make sure to put in a good word for you." I winked and Harry looked at me with hopeful eyes as he chuckled.

THIS IS THE END OF SKYLYNN AND ZAYN'S JOURNEYYYYYYY. I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you soooo much for all the love and support. Peace ✌️

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