Chapter 14

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I got into the car, Zayn doing the same and he drove us back to his place. It was complete silent, the only noises were our steady breathing.

"Shall I drop you at your Mum's place?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence.

"No, no. Anywhere but there, the nearest hotel will do." I replied.

He stopped on the red light and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hotel? Fuck no, you stay at my house and I'll go to the hotel." Zayn said sternly.

Hotel? No, that was too far away from me... What am I saying?

"There's always the sofa...?" I suggested.

I saw him smirking from the corner of my eye.

"Yh, okay."

I don't know why I did that, I honestly don't. I'm so confused right now it's like a little bit of me feels betrayed and hurt but the bigger side of me wants to keep him close to me and wants him to protect me and keep him close to me.

I wish I hadn't met Zayn. I regret everything from the moment I met him.

"No I don't." I suddenly said out loud.

Zayn glanced at me with a confused expression.

"I don't regret everything from the moment I met you. Your the best thing that happened to me, the best experience ever." I glanced at Zayn and he did the same, this time his eyes were gleaming.

"But then my mind keeps reminding me about what you've been doing all this time behind my back and the pain and betrayal is unbearable." I added, this time he was looking at me with eyes full of regret and sadness.

"Sky I--" his voice cracked and for a minute I thought he was actually going to cry... I was right.

He parked the car in front of his house and I stayed silent while Zayn cried soft sobs, his two large hands covering his face.

I didn't know what to do or say. I've never been in this kind of situation before.

"Don't cry please.. I can't stand it." I was telling the absolute truth. I couldn't stand it, it made me break a little and deep down I actually felt for him and everything he did behind my back just vanished. The only pain I was carrying right now was seeing him cry.

I couldn't hold it any longer. I removed his hand and grabbed his face then kissed him hard. His lips tasted salty from his tears but at this moment I didn't care, I just wanted him.

He kissed me back soft and passionately and I did the same. This kiss was different compared to the other ones.

It was more passionate and more meaningful.

Right there I knew he was more than sorry for what he had done.

Zayn released the kiss.

"Stop, stop no. No you can't be crashing your lips on mine after everything I've done--" He started.

"It's done. Forgive and forget right? I know your truly sorry so it's alright." I cut him off.


It wasn't true, it couldn't be. How could she possibly forgive someone like me? She was right, I am truly sorry but what I've done is just extreme.

"But .I.. I've betrayed you.. I did shit behind your back how could you forgive me?" I asked, still stunned.

"Because I love you." Those words were enough to to make me grab her and kiss her again.

I kissed her hard this time, pulled her off her seat on onto my lap.

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