Chapter 8

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Thx for always voting and commenting.. 😘💫✌️

"Oh erm... Hi." I said awkwardly.

He gave me a small sweet smile, ones with the dimples sticking out. I gave an awkward smile back.

We just stood there then, not knowing what to do or say.

"Uh.. You were ordering?" Harry finally spoke up.

I nodded and looked up at the menu. I could see from the corner of my eyes that Harry was looking at me, he was smirking and looking at my eyes. I remembered how he always laughed when I focused too hard.

"Can I have two strawberry and chocolate pancakes?" I asked.

He nodded, still looking at me. He was trying to make our eyes lock together but I was looking at anywhere but him.

I looked at his forehead, "are you gonna stop staring at me or do I have to look at your forehead all day?" I joked.

"Oh I'm trying. But you see, it's incredibly hard to stop." He smirked.

I looked at him, just once, and smiled.

"As I said before, two strawberry and chocolate pancakes please." I repeated.

"Two for you and that dude?" Harry asked, writing down my order on a piece of paper and giving it to the man behind him.

"Yh, how did you know?" I asked.

I opened my bag and bought out my purse.

"I saw you two walk in.. awkward I know." He said, giving me two plates on a tray.

"Thanks, see you around." I gave him his money, smiled and walked away to Zayn.

Once I reached him, I gave him his plate and sat down, putting my bag down beside me.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

He looked at me waiting to reply.

"Long story short. Just found out that my ex works here." I raised my eyebrows while biting into the pancake.

Zayn chuckled and I stared at him, confused.

"I can imagine the face you would've made." He said, "the awkward one."

He laughed and I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"So what happened." He paused, "if you don't want to tell me I'm totally fine with that." He added quickly.

I nodded, "Let's just say he didn't want to be in a relationship where we had to sneak about all the time to see each other."

Zayn smiled, "let me guess."

"Mothers." We both said in unison and smiled.

After we finished the pancakes I got up to put my plate away but turned around to bump into Harry. Great.

"Excuse me." I said, going past him.

"Sky." Zayn called.

I turned around.

"Mind if you put away mine too?" He asked.

I nodded, grabbed his plate and turned around again.

As I put the plates away I saw Zayn and Harry talking, they looked quite tensed.

I sure as hell hope they weren't talking about me. I do not want to get in the middle of them. Besides, me and Harry are over.

I reached Zayn, "ready to go?"

Harry looked at Zayn, nodding once, Zayn biting his lip in return.

We then turned around and started walking to his car.

We got into his car and he started driving.

It was silent for a while but I spoke up, wanting to know the answer to a question.

"Zayn he wasn't-" I paused, "he wasn't bothering you was he?"

Zayn stopped at a red light and looked at me.

"If you mean talking about you then no." He said calmly, driving again as soon as the green light came on.

Minutes later we reached school so I opened the door to get out until Zayn caught ahold of my arm, sending me a burst of electricity.

"Stay safe okay? Come and meet me here at lunch, we'll take the rest of the day off." He said, his eyes soft and caring.

I nodded and smiled. He leaned forward and pecked my cheek.

I got out the car and shut the door behind me. Am I in love? I keep thinking.

"Oh my god was that a kiss on the cheek?!" Blair said, startling me by jumping out of no where.

I rolled my eyes.

"God Blair, you scared me!" I gasped.

She opened her mouth but then closed it because Danielle was coming our way.



I really didn't want to do it. But I had to, Harry was offering me a hell lot of money and I desperately needed it.

Am I doing it for the money or do I really like her? One thing that was for sure was that the kiss with her was indescribable.


Five minutes. Five whole minutes until the bell for lunch goes.

My phone then buzzed and I assumed it was Zayn. I hastily got it out and checked, sure enough it was Zayn.

Can you come out now? ❤️✌️

I looked at my watch, three minutes left until lunch.

"Uh.. Sir?" I raised my hand.

He stopped speaking at nodded once at me, "Miss Cartney?"

Everyone turned to face me.

"Could I go to the bathroom please?" I asked.

"Because you can't wait for two more minutes?" He retorted.

I sighed and he continued talking to the class.

I got out my phone and replied back to Zayn.

No can do 😔

I stared at his text message, staring at that one emoji that made my heart flutter.

The heart emoji could mean something right? Maybe we are something.. I shook my head and got back to reality.

Two magnificent, extraordinary, magical, incredible and indescribable kisses doesn't mean something.. Right?

See what I did there? That twist 😏 is Zayn gonna fall for her or not? Vote and comment PLSS. Also so sorry for taking so long to update.

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin