Chapter 11

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Zayn leaned forward and gave a peck on my cheek.

"I'm glad you do." He smiled.

My insides went all tingly like always when I'm around him, they just can't seem to stop.

He then got up and helped me up too, but then got a key out of his doormat and handed it to me.

"It's officially our home. Take the key." He said.

I took the key and thought about home. Home. I haven't seen Mum in a while even thought she practically threw me out of the house. Maybe I should go today.

"Can I go around my house today and get my things, also see my Mum. I haven't spoke to her in a few days." I asked.

"Sure." Zayn replied, getting his keys and heading to the car, me following behind.

He drove off his driveway and 15 minutes later he parked near my house.

I got out of the car and walked towards the door anxiously. As I pressed the doorbell a nervous shiver went down my arm.

My mum opened the door and was surprised to see me, she flung her arms around me and I hugged her back, awkwardly.

"Oh my god Sky you scared the heck out of me, don't ever leave again like that!" She said, hugging me tighter.

I released the hug and stepped inside.

"Actually I'm here to get my things." I broke the news.

"Things? Wait what?" She looked confused.

I stayed quiet until she widened her eyes in realisation.

"No, no! No not happening no!" She stated firmly.

I took a deep breath.

"Look I'm not your little child anymore! I'm old enough to get my own place so can I please get my stuff and move the heck out of here?!" I said, harsher than I intended to.

A tear rolled down her cheeks and she looked at the floor.

"I'm scared." She claimed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

She looked up at me.

"Zayn. What if- what if he--" She stopped mid-sentence and looked to the ground.

That was enough to understand what she meant though.

"He's a good guy, I promise. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I spoke softly.

She wiped her tears and we went upstairs to grab all my things.

Mum got out cardboard boxes and she neatly folded all my clothes and put it into the box. I took all my extra things and out it in another box. Then I went to the bottom of my nightstand and got out my leather journal.

So I keep a journal, no big deal.

I stuffed that into the bottom of the box and headed to Zayn's car, Mum following behind me.

I opened the front door and gave my Mum one last hug before I move out of here, taking in her perfume smell.

She hugged me back tight, I released the hug and put the boxes in the back of Zayn's car. Then waved and headed inside his car.

"So everything's cool?" Zayn asked, pulling out of my Mum's driveway.

"Yeah, it's cool." I smiled back


I climbed into bed and Zayn came in too. It was awkward then because I didn't know if I should scoot closer or just stay a foot away from.

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