Chapter 18

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"Zayn.. I?", my tongue stuttered to form words. My heart was yearning for his love again but my mind was smarter and reminded me not to provoke things.

"Look. We were young, and we had a great time. Things happened and drifted us apart, we can't be in this endless cycle. Plus I can't leave Louis, he was there for me when everyone else had completely betrayed me." I spoke gently, as if the words were too precious and fragile.

Zayn looked shattered. It hurt me as twice as much because deep down I knew that I still very much whole heartedly love him and probably always will. I know that he deeply loves me too and we share a bond that cannot be reversed.

"I understand." He spoke softly, "Louis is waiting. We should probably go." He gestured his hand down the hallway and we started walking.

When we reached the lunch room Louis' eyes brightened as he saw the pair of us.

"I was wondering where you two went off to." Louis said with a grin. I glanced at him, he was a good man. He knew my feelings for Zayn yet he continued to be there for me in my times of need.

"Just went for a stroll." Zayn said expressionlessly. I could even hear the brokenness in his voice, it hurt me.

He pushed me away when I so stupidly offered him another chance.

Gabby was a distraction, something Sky didn't know about. Something which I think she should know about just in case there is a slight chance that we do find a path.

Louis went off back to work 10 minutes early, leaving yet again me and Skylynn.

"By the way, I am dating my therapist called Gabby." I blurted out, more abruptly than I intended to.

Sky nodded, "that's good."

There was an awkward silence and I didn't know what to say or do. I hummed. I hummed to a tune and gave up on everything. What am I doing?

Sky got up and went to chat to what I assumed was her close friend. I gazed at her. She was smiling and talking as if she wasn't crying just under half an hour ago. One thing that I admire about Sky is that she is indeed the strongest woman I have ever met. No one would've guessed she was going through unbearable pain... or maybe she wasn't? Maybe she's left her past behind and just wants to focus on her future. Maybe her future didn't include me? I sighed. Here I go again. Always revolving everything about me. Sky has a right to take me out of her life. As if I hadn't caused her enough heartbreak already.

I didn't know where this day was going. I just wanted it to be over. I was building myself up fine until Zayn came along today. Maybe we're not meant to be for each other. Maybe we just bring pain and heartbreak into each other's life. Maybe we should just both move on.

I told Cami, my best friend, everything that went on with Zayn.

"I don't know." Cami smiled, "he's hot."

I chuckled, "looks are deceiving."

Cami raised her brows, "I agree. But on a serious note, maybe loving him isn't so bad. I mean if you're still attracted to him after all these months then just let it be. Also whatever you do, even if it's a good decision or a bad decision, know that it is what it is."

This is why I loved Cami as my best friend. She was so real and genuine and I know for a fact that she will always be there for me. I smiled at her hard, knowing that I had a person in my life that won't betray me.

I glanced at my watch. "I'll catch you later. Wait for me at 5, you're my ride home!" I said to Cami. She gave me a quick hug and then disappeared herself before assuring me she'll be waiting at the lobby.

I walked over to Zayn, "I'll be in the same room, come whenever you're ready."

He nodded and then paused, "actually Sky. Is it okay if we call it a day? I can be back tomorrow or any other day. I think we can both agree it's been a hell of a day."

"Sure." I forced a smile though I'm not quite sure why. Part of me wanted him to hang around even if it meant we weren't talking.

A minute later he went made his way to the lift and was soon gone. I stood there, half expecting him to come back.

I knew she was exhausted. So I did her a favour. I have already caused her so much pain and grief that I didn't want her to feel more shit than she already does. I stood outside the building. The city of New York still amazed me. Over a thousand people yet my eyes still attract to one beautiful girl. The sad thing was I don't know if it's the same for her.

HEYYYY. Long timeeeee. I'm sorry I was busyyyyy. But I just want you to know this book is almost finished and thank you for the love and support xx

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