April Petitel

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3 years before the current squad 5 April was the newest requit and has been on squad the longest out of Gin Tori and Weiss
General Mason: we are looking for a new recuirt for our team is there anyone interested we could use an extra member to keep our lines together.

Darius: we are squad 5 and our code is to return alive. Break this rule and youre in trouble.

Scene: majority of the scouts begin laughing in the conference hall where squads go for recriuting sessions. One person in particular didnt laugh and that was April. She looked hopeful and interested in squad 5 instead of Squads 12 and 8.

General Cara: why not join squad 8 we are a supply squad. Mainly infiltration and collecting the goods. We have the the lowest casualty rating out of squads 12 and especially squad 5.

General Yohnir: you cant be serious Cara your squad has if not the most casulties... we of squad 12 are restoration division. We clean and map out new areas. This includes planting things so we can use evac docks to get the food in for rotation.

General Makura: Guess Yohnir didnt mention that you cant leave your zones and posts for weeks and sometimes even months at a time.

Scene: Yohnir looks at General Makura and doesnt like how he snuck that in.
Yohnir now has to come up with a counter reason to join his squadron.

Darius: Makura lets not take this too far. You know how the other
Generals are towards you.

General Cara: what Say you then General Makura? Your squadron hasnt had any gains in months. Its because of you guys our resources have been low.

April: um may I ask what does your squadron do General Makura?

General Makura: well we were getting to that and yes our squadron is squad 5 we are the Combatant scouting division. Im not gonna sugar coat anything we have lost 12 squad members in the span of 2 weeks. This is not a division thats for softies cowards or wanna be heros.

Darius: its also not for cheap scaps that talk down on ya.

Scene: someone from the crowed named Weiss raises his hand and speaks.

Weiss: hey arent you Elder Darius? Why is an Elder on a squadron?

Scene: the crowed starts to chatter as to why is an Elder on the squadron that is such a hazard.

General Cara: Ill tell you why kid its because General Mason is a real sham and a terrible lyer. Hes the least trusted amonst us here.

General Mason: oh well now am I?

Darius: he does have a point...

General Makura: I guess well to answer your question hes absolutely right. Im the least trusted

Darius: because he will do everything it takes to get guys like you all back to safety.

Scene: April begins to think about her decision to join this squad. He original plan was to be a mapper with Cara Squad though it appears squad 5 is more appealing.

Weiss: so why are you compensating? If you know that your squad is the least t0 get picked for new recruits why bother coming in?

Scene: Darius likes this Weiss guy alot more now. Hes able to see through adverse tactics. This is the first time they have ever been confronted on spot like this. General Makura is impressed someone with skills like Weiss would benefit them greatly for negotiations.

Cara: oh would you look at that youve finally been had Mason. You filthy dog!

Yohnir: never thought Id see this day come say kid whats your name?

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