Chapter 20 Rest Without Peace

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Darius: We can never give up keep watch over them Tori.

Tori: Yes Sir!

Weiss: Well aren't you the picky one to quickly jump ship.

Tori: I am only following direct orders.

Weiss: Like always. So hows April?

Tori: Oh wouldn't you like to know.

Weiss: I'm concerned she caved on us. And we aren't able to make up for the loss of people anymore at this point we are stuck and Darius is barely holding his own.

Tori: So what are you gonna do about it are you going to take command and help us figure something out before we make it back to HQ?

Weiss: Don't be like that Tori you know as well as I do that this is all fucked up and we are stuck in the middle because there's only so much we can do at a time so let's have at it shall we? What can you tell me about the candidates that Darius won't tell me about?

Scene: Tori thinks to herself for a moment as to what Weiss was getting at because in her mind she only knows about positions within the scouts are the only ones she knows is Gin and April. But then it comes to her and she realizes that Darius won't tell them fully about what the elders did to Khable. Khable was very similar to Gin only that he wasn't the type to try to be nice and hero like. So it's understandable that he'd eventually be a target but for the elders to single him out is suspicious. Tori knows the candidates. Its Gin April her and Hannah. When they make it back to HQ the only other person to get chosen would be Gin but since Gin isn't alive they would all probably be suspended as scouts all together. It wouldn't hurt Weiss to know but she probably shouldn't really tell him. Weiss is not as understanding when it comes to these sorts of things as the others are.

Tori: Ok Ill tell you the candidates and they are Gin April me and Hannah.

Weiss: I thought so I'm not even on the list.

Scene: Darius scouts the area and as he scouts 4 saber like creatures jumps out one attacks him he pulls out his knife and jabs it in the side of the head. Tori runs over and shoots one of them but gets caught by the other and gets knocked down. Weiss cant help because he has to protect the vehicle. And April is also passed out.

Darius: You little ragged ruffer! I'll end up before you can blink again!

Scene: Darius grips his knife really tight and starts combat and makes his way towards the beast and he fights it simultaneously. The beast grabs him with his claw and throws him across the the station. Darius gets back up and runs towards the beast and kicks it in the snout. The beast claws him but Darius punches it in the face with his bare hands. He jumps and spin kicks and does acrobatics. The beast is trying to keep up with Darius.

Darius: Bring it you mutherfucker I'm ready!!!!!!! I'll put you down like the bitch that you are!!!

Scene: Tori also begins to fight back at the other beasts. She takes the back end of ger rifle and makes a powerful jab at its face that causes it bursts blood. The beast screams and he buckles. Tori begins kicking it in the ribs shatterings them to pieces and she runs and fights the other beast that she shot and punches it in the face and grabs it and throws it in the air and dropkicks it to the ground. The beast is tired and unable to properly move so she runs up a side wall and finishes it with a devastating powerful kick that kicks through the bricks into its face.

Weiss sees this and is troubled. He knows not to ever piss off Tori to the point of where she's at right now. So he's not as worried as he was before. But because of the loud noises, 8 beasts show up and now they vastly outnumber Darius and Tori. Tori opens fire for them to get away. More beasts show up and circle them so that they cant even make it back to the cargo truck. And they really need to get back. All of sudden a loud bang goes off from behind them. Out from the flames comes the stranger that the General told them to save. And he runs through the beasts like they aren't much with a short sword. His combat style is excellent! Probably at April's level. He kills 8 beasts all alone with hardly any effort but he's in great pain and he realized that he's gotta stop or else its gonna open up his prevous wounds so he's not ready to go down. As hes doing the best he can he gets overrun by  4 more monster and then 2 phantom class monsters show up. It all seems hopeless now.

Keiden: Ugh damn it all and just when I just got back up.

Darius: Don't move!

Keiden: Shit!

Scene: The stranger named Keiden runs and one of the phantom class catches him and is about to to pick him up with its large hair paws. As soon as it does a black shadow cuts him out and instantly kills the phantom. This phantom was pretty large at least 12ft tall who could have done this? Then from the blood and debris out appears a person well at least what they thought was the ghost of a person. It was a person with half black and half white hair with patches all over him and a long scar across his face. At first, he was unrecognizable but then both Tori and Darius were so close enough to a heart attack that it was unbearably hard to make out what they could. It was a miracle, unlike anything they have seen before in their entire life. It was so shocking that Tori fainted. It was none other than Gin himself and with April right next to him. Darius burst into pure tears as he saw this scene. Gin and April then proceed to kill the rest of the beasts including the other phantom.
Gin is back from what was certain death. Weiss is just struck in awe that Gin is alive. But how he was completely gone with no pulse and no signs of life and zero response. And he was even being eaten and picked apart by bugs.

Darius: GIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scene: Gin cant hear Darius due to him being in his altered state. He stands there in silence next to April.

April: Gin its ok now for everyone's sake let us go back to the cargo truck.

Scene: Gin falls and the stranger and Darius and April catches him. They slowly carried him back to the cargo truck. April smiles

Darius: What on earth is going on here. There's just no way to explain this.

Scene: April has a flashback while she was in the cargo truck. She wakes up and sees Tori and Darius in trouble. As Weiss is in the front screaming help. The stranger wakes up seeing April crying and scared.

Keiden: Hey whats wrong! We gotta get out there and help your friends!

April: No no no no its too late we are all gonna die!!

Keiden: Look I don't know who you are lady and neither do you know me but those guys out there need our help!

April: No!! There's just no way no way. Not without Gin Not Without Gin!

Keideno: Gin who is Gin tell me!

April: Gin!!! Gin!!

Scene: The stranger looks around and then sees a black body wrapped up.

Keiden: Wait you don't mean this, this is Gin.

April: Yes yes we cant do this without Gin we will all die.

Keiden: Oh damn well that's not good. Well then let's wake him up.

Scene: The stranger pulls off the cover and sees a body that is bloody tattered and it smells!

Kaido: Oh fuck no goddamn what the fuck! He's not asleep he's dead!! There's no way this Gin or whatever can help us.

April: No no Gin!! There's just no way he's dead he's alive.

Keiden: Oh no this guy is deader than a tyrannosaurus. We've got to help out your friends!

April: No no not without Gin!

Keiden: Damn shes one of those types eh. Well, im gonna have to just go myself.

Scene: April grabs Keiden's hand.

April: I love Gin there's just no way he's dead.

Keiden: Ok lady looks like I'm just gonna have to make it through this.

Scene: April Kisses Gin on lips. Keiden is so disturbed by this and just makes a putrid face.

Kaido: What the fuck! Ew don't do that that's!...

Scene: Suddenly Gins hand moves and grabs Keiden's leg. Keiden nearly freaks to point of sheer insanity. He couldn't get around the fact that a dead guy just grabbed his leg. Maybe he turned zombie and is automatically going to eat him.

Gin: I am not dead. I have a plan.

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