Chapter 14 Punishment

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Gin: Sigh* there's just far too many of them and we don't have the manpower to accomplish this.

Scene: As soon as Gin said that a swarm of monsters came in from the broken bridge area that they had traveled through. This was by far one of the more larger hordes. The sound could be heard for more than a  20miles away. Because of the large amounts of activities going on this attracts more monsters and more monsters means less and less time to prepare. The raiders are startled by The sounds and vast amounts of monsters in the wake.

Lian: Gin dear lord what are we gonna do?

Gin: I have no idea but I get the feeling that it's going to take a lot out of us to pull together and end this place once and for all. We aren't going down without a fight. There's too much at stake here.

Scene: In the distance, there's a guy running away from the horde in one of the opposite directions. It's another case of unfortunate events. He gets wiped out. Lian Gin and Amane aren't very happy about the situation that is unfolding and they'd like it if they could make it out alive with but  they don't seem to have much time left. It would help if they could just access the area where Nolxe Rimelo and General Makura was.

Gin: Well would you look at that another problem that's gonna bite us in the ass.

Lian: I don't think I've seen this side of you before Gin have you been ok since we had that meeting?

Amane: I bet

Gin: Not much I can do.

Scene: As Gin Lian and Amane continues to evade raiders they stumble upon a dead body with an x and name on its body that says Sorein.

Lian: Well what else is there left to say congratulations we just can't stop running into awful signs.

Gin: I know what you mean
Let's press on for a bit longer. We've got to make it over there before the monsters catch up!

Scene: Gin Lian and Amane runs over towards the evac Doc area but they are cut off by 3 raiders. One of the raiders quickly proceeds to attack Amane and Amane throws a hard elbow to the jaw of the raider on his left. The raider does a 360 spiraling towards the ground. It was one of those things where you just had to capture the moment. And at the right times too. Meanwhile, Lian is fighting 2 raiders that appeared from her right side. They try so hard to cut her off but fail as they are knocked out as she plants her knee into one of the jaws of a raider and she drop kicks the second raider in the face. It's a close call for her too as Amane steps in and backs up into Lian.

Amane: This is getting outta hand!

Gin: You're telling me Ugh!!
This is seemly not the best type of work out to get in such a short time.

Lian: Oh really now!

Amane: It doesn't even matter we've almost got it down pact.

Scene: As Gin Amane and Lian continue fighting through to get to the evac zone the monsters are gaining weight.
Meanwhile at the evac station.

Nilae: Hey what the fuck is going on over there. Y'all stop clowning. If my shit gets broke I'll waist yalls assess now back to business. Damnit I can't wait to leave this place with all this foolishness. So let me get this straight Rimelo. We've got somewhat of a situation dealing with you guys we haven't seen our projects manager for over a whole 30 minutes.

Rimelo: I don't know anything about that.

Scene: Nilae is actually secretly planning to sabotage Ghruiok once and for all after today. Nilae had the project's manager to do the total opposite of what Ghruiok had asked for. It wasn't until later he tried to make a poor settlement on behalf of this issue. Nilae is going to take over all productions in their respective zones. This will pose a great threat in the near future due to them not having any room in their storages to contain the equipment and things that they manage and continue to ship off.
For the most part Ghruiok could pinpoint a few missing aspects such as knowing how Nathan operates at a very consistent pace. Nilae does not like to steer away from his ideals. So he's going to make it to where it's all out in the blue and he will have his best people there so that he can direct things like how he wants them.

Makura: Say Nilae you wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?

Scene: Nilae's eyes widen for bit. He's a bit irritated on how Makura could easily see through this ploy without any real background knowledge of their past dealings. It's a shame he didn't just let them finish what he started the first time. Now it's a big mess and Gracie has no idea what is about to unfold.
He's going to not only get put outta business but also taken over by another raider group. Nilae doesn't want to kill Ghruiok he just wants him to be under his full control. That way his name will be the top name in the region other than Viken who is mostly recognized for small dealings but with higher investments and rates. For Viken it's quality over quantity and there's nothing that beats having most of your marks in secure places with less shipments where there are smaller marginal errors.

Ghruiok: Aha I see very clever there bud but me and Nathan here already have had this deal placed in advanced. Nice try there though I'll give ya that.

Scene: Nilae fidgets a little at the sight of General Makura. He can't stand to watch any longer while waiting for the others to finish gathering up the equipment that Makura and Darius gave them the location to. Nilae is biding his time so that later he can punish Ghruiok for his insolence. Meanwhile Lian Gin and Amane are fighting a tiresome battle with the raiders. The monsters are approaching now harder and faster than they ever were.

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