Chapter 26 Hall Of The Elders

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Bruce: Sierra?

Sierra: I believe that all of the elders have gathered and its time to commence with the meeting.
Bruce, you go first.

Bruce: With pleasure. Squad 5 of the variant scout division sector 9 it is time for your report.
So let us see here. Your mission was terminal reconnaissance. We have reports that terminal damage is 100% and that countermeasures were not administered so that's a big uh oh. So Gin I take it that this was surely not in your best interest was it?

Gin: We were heavily overrun and there were times where we got separated greater distances and didn't have much of a chance against the raiders.

Vanous: Terminals are a top priority in every scout mission the fact you guys let it fail is of no excuse in my book.

Sierra: Although I agree with Vanous these times are not like they use to be raiders have stepped it up this past season hell we have 2 squads fighting raiders right now.

Darius: Wait really in which area and when did this information turn up?

Sierra: Actually it's in the area near where you guys came from. We had them follow behind you due to that area was a hot spot for a rare pocket of alloy somewhere located in the inner city area.

Bruce: You knew this Sierra but didn't disclose it to them?

Zhaine: She wasn't supposed to General Kushido had opened up a case with us beforehand so you're the only one who didn't know about it, Bruce.

Bruce: Well damn guess I'm just gonna keep getting the end of the stick here.

Darius: Bruce it wasn't your fault you had to advise squad 10 at the time. If it wasn't for you we'd have a lot more trouble in that area. Without your scouts being able to map out the areas we'd be up shit creek big time.

Zhaine: Squad 10 went through hell back there without Bruce not knowing about this matter is fine.

Bruce: Pfft yeah right I'll let it go anyways. General Kushido will be here after these guys are finished anyhow.

Scene: Things are going well so far but they haven't gotten to the report of their squad General being captured. This is a big deal as all scouts in the squad face high chances of termination meaning they can no longer be scouts or have to be put on a different squad. General Makura was the top squad General of all the scouting squads. He passed all examinations with distinction. He was the only General to complete 3 top secret operations alone and one of them had to deal with an Alpha Phantom class monster. Losing General Makura is a very big problem.

Vanous: I know Darius can't say this but I do know this and it's quite unfortunate for your squad 5 but in our recent reports about you all, you seem to be short of your Squad General, General Makura I might add eh?

Sierra: I'm sure General Makura is in shambles at this point and then all of the Generals have to report to the main HQ before reporting back to us anyways.

Bruce: Yeah which is stupid. I don't even know why we can exist to do their dirty work. The military has been crushing our spirits since day 1.

Vanous: I disagree Bruce it's because of the military that we are even thriving at all.

Darius: Yeah by sacrificing our best people for them first and then us not being able to fill in all of the classified information.

Sierra: We can't risk our funding getting pulled at any cost.

Vanous: Ugh you all.... sheesh I know there's something wrong here because at the docking grounds it was reported by General Luceiol that General Makura valuable intel on the production management teams and that we might not have military support anymore.

Sierra: You cant be serious...

Bruce: Darius what says you?

Sierra: What do you mean Bruce? He's not obligated to speak on those terms remember.

Vanous: Well if he's dead that's gonna bite us all on the ass. We can't afford to send another person in line for military training like this.

Sierra: It's not that big a deal Vanous I mean the next in line is Gin April Hannah or Tori so its not something to be frightened about.

Vanous: But losing Makura is a devastating blow to HQ overall he's the main reason why we were able to get this type of agreement started since they didn't believe that the people of our kind were even capable to do it.

Zhaine: Gin if General Makura is dead I'm charging your entire squad to 90 days in the brig plus suspension. Appointing you as the next General is not as wise as I use to believe.

Sierra: Okay Zhaine so you want to switch it to their turn to speak.

Zhaine: Well go on ahead.

Sierra: The variants may now proceed to give their case. All of you may now take the floor.

Vanous: Hey wait where is April I know she's on your squad. She was sighted with you all at the gates.

Zhaine: It doesn't matter Vanous just continue on with the case.

Scene: As they are about to begin April shows up.
Vanous looks surprised as she enters. Vanous doesn't like whats going one bit.

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