Chapter 22 Down In The Rabbit's Hole

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Scene: Hannah prances over to the passenger's side to greet Tori.

Hannah: Well looky here thought I'd never catch up to you guys.

Tori: And it's not like we wanted you to catch up.

Hannah: Haha I know that. Well, it seems I've gotten into a bit of trouble here with my bike. And HQ is still pretty far away so mind giving me a lift.

Scene: Tori and Darius make face at each other as they are not too fond of Hannah. Shes very troublesome and difficult to deal with. She's not one to make things easier. She loves a challenge. Her bike got messed up and it probably happened due to her negligence. They would rather trust Keiden before Hannah.

Darius: Park your shit in the back and be careful we have injured back there.

Hannah: Whoa oh damn look at you, Weiss.

Weiss: Don't say anything to me bitch.

Hannah: Haha yeah yeah whatever. I'm putting my bike up and making my way with you lot.

Weiss: Says who?

Hannah: Says Darius and Tori.

Weiss: Hey Gin!

Gin: You're more than welcome to put your thing in the further back if you don't mind.

Hannah: Like I said oh and thank you Ginren.

Gin: Its just Gin for like the 1000th time now

Hannah: Ok Ginren.

Scene: Hannah goes back to the front of other cargo truck to get her bike and load it to the back.

Weiss: Really Gin are you gonna continue to let this bitch keep dragging us down like this. I'm not standing for it no more ok.

Gin: She's one of us Weiss there's nothing we can do the elders would have us court marshaled for this shit ok. We can't afford that.

Weiss: Yeah yeah whatever

April: Keiden don't worry just don't she's no good if you're interested in a girl that might like ya wait until we get to HQ so then I'll show you some.

Keiden: Wait really I wasn't even thinking that way.

Scene: The way Keiden looked up and down Hannah says it all. He was smitten at first sight but he has no idea what's in store for him if he tries to bark up that tree. He might as well think to wait and get less pressure elsewhere. And maybe it won't be as bad as Keiden thought in the back of his mind.

Darius: Damn it all just when we thought it was all over this happens.

Tori: She had the same job as we did so it was only a matter of time for her to catch up to us we've been gone for 3 days now.

Darius: And this was the worst operation that we've ever had to come face to face with. All of us were gonna die.

Scene: Hannah comes to the window from where the open glass window is.

Hannah: Oh really that's totally a shame General Makura got captured. But then he knew he had his time coming from the beginning.

Darius: Ugh...

Tori: Hannah you know I'm not like the others I will put you in your place before you can even twitch a finger. And you should know that I'm willing and ready.

Hannah: Oh Tori you're just upset that you didn't get to sleep with him oh hoho!

Darius: Can we not go there so soon at least wait until we make it fully to HQ. Damnit.

Weiss: Nah let them have at it! I've been waiting to see this fight for some time.

April: No you don't it wouldn't end well and we both know that.

Scene: Everyone knows that aside from the rest that Hannah is the most gifted fighter amongst the scouting divisions. She is on par with April on speed since April is the fastest fighter in HQ. But the best fighters were Makura, Gin, and Hannah. Tori is a great fighter though she lacks speed and has very high end punishing moves. Tori despite her physique would get steamrolled by Hannah before she could even make a thought.

Gin: April is right there will be no fighting.

Scene: Gin goes back to sharpening his swords and cleaning them while Keiden watches with both great interest and fear. Hannah goes from bothering Darius and Tori to seeing the new kid Keiden. Hannah has like a second intuition about these things it's scary. She goes over to Gin. She goes and looks at him and instantly falls into his lap. Gin blushes extremely not knowing what to say or how to respond.

Hannah: Oh dangit I'm so tired I've had to fight several villages packed with zombies. Its just so wrong to have to kill all those people isn't it babe.

Gin: * Babe did she just call me babe. I uh I uh damn my junks getting hard from her tush*

Scene: Hannah smiles with a sinister Grin. She knows exactly what she's doing.

Scene: Everyone just ignores Gin like nothing is happening. They know whats going on and its best that since its Gin he's already taking one for the team. Its the least he could do especially since they are dealing with Hannah.

Hannah: Come on what do you think?

Gin: Um I um do agree its wrong to kill people even if they are zombies.

Hannah: Oh yay!

Scene: Hannah hugs and squeezes Gin pressing her very large H cup breasts up against him even more.

Hannah: So we think the same as usual and I like that.

Gin: I mean yeah I guess so.

Weiss: No wonder you're like that. You have poor judgment. Those people aren't people anymore they are just undead monsters and have to be cut down or else they will cause more harm than not.

Keiden: Well I'm different I believe we can find a cure and make it work for everyone.

Scene: Keiden saying this puts everyone on high alert. Only Darius knows about the cure but the others speculate to this possibility. Hannah actually likes this idea deep down. Hannah although she may not look like it loves the hero types of guys because usually, they are the ones to develop the most and also as they are now well at least at Gin's stage very easy to use.
Hannah loves Gin deep down though at this moment it made her very hot. And I believe everyone felt emotions that were going on between Hannah and Gin.

Hannah: Oh wow I like you more already.

Keiden: Um umm I'm Keiden.

Scene: Gin slightly turns his head blushing while Hannah is in his arms and lap all snuggled up. Hannah senses many things she knows how to win Gin over. April is not too happy about this upon sensing it too. Did Gin really just let Hannah be all over him of like that. April for the longest that knew Gin had liked her over Hannah the most but now that April sees Gin and Hannah messing around it makes her jealous to see them as a pair instead of her.

Hannah: Oh yes you're definitely a cutie! How about once we get you back to HQ let me help you out by taking in the new kid that you all found in my stead instead of the rest of you lot. Yall will get him you sent to the brig but I can get him in without any of that stuff.

Gin: Alright yeah you're right Hannah Ill let Keiden go into your custody.

Keiden: Really really um how?

Hannah: Oh its easy but you'll have to listen to my every command and you are only allowed to be with me ok.

Scene: Weiss and everyone else knows this cant be any good. Weiss wanted to say something the most but when dealing with people like Hannah its best to not react at all to anything she says and does. You could really get messed up dealing with Hannah. She never fights fair ever.

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