Chapter 3 Courtesy Call

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Makura: Its time we all head home everyone. We got lucky finding this place so let's share that same luck to those less fortunate than ourselves. Nobody asked for this but there is something we all have that we must use together as one to make a difference to get that fighting chance at life again that we lost and desire. Each and every one of you are valued and possess skills to be great leaders for others. In which I'm going to address our next mission here and now. It's time we each split up and join other respective groups.

Amane: Huh say what? I'm not sure I follow on that General.

Makura: This will be the 10th terminal we have claimed so far. Our need for expansion is in dire need now.

Amane: I get that but I feel it's not a good idea don't ya know? We have all been doing just fine with just us and no one else.

Lian: I agree with Amane on this General why should we expand now when we have so little of ourselves left to give? Terminal 4 is our only most fortified terminal beside HQ itself.

Gin: Not to mention our current population is only 15,000 at HQ. We have many sick and needy and only a handful of soldiers left.
And who knows if we can survive much longer out here? I know what you mean though by not keeping all of our eggs in one basket but isn't it a far greater a risk to be overrun?

Makura: The expansion must happen due to in the next 6 months we will be losing all military support and personal. And Of course its during the time of nuclear winter.

Scene: Everyone's face began to drift towards General Makura at the news that was just announced. To them it was yet again another thick fog of pain and utter disappointment.

Amane: What do you mean sir!! That's not possible our house had an agreement! We made a contract! There's just no way I'll believe it!

Scene: General Makura gives the contact letter from HQ to Lian. It reads that the details of headquarters will no longer support Terminal 4 and that resource management has declined as there is a new commander in chief due to the death of the previous one on natural causes. The date of this letter is already 7 months past due meaning they will not be getting supplies from this point forward. Lian has a defeated look on her face as though she was a bit upset on the inside that General Makura would keep this information from them for quite a long time period.
Lian slightly begins to draw tears.

Makura: Liana I need you to read the letter.

Scene: Lian looking around the room at the team highly reluctant and fearful is shaken by General Makura's request.

Makura: Lian

Scene: She's still hesitant.

Amane: What's wrong tell us we all really need to know what's going on with this expansion plan!

Gin: It can't be that bad

Nolxe: Lian I'm sure we can figure something out like we always have right?

Makura: Liana Krithen read the letter that's an order.

As soon as Lian proceeds to read the letter the group hears a loud thundering crash outside. Everyone is startled.

Nolxe: Oh snap what in the bonkers was that

Amane: Rimelo!!!

Makura: Don't tell me he's blown himself up out there.

Gin: Now Im not about to be buying into that type of scenario! All mines were placed inside the gates Rimelo is outside of the gates putting up flags!

Scene: Everyone runs outside to see what's the ruckus about but little did they know there was a vicious mutated scaly blue creature that had shark-like teeth with fur like a lions mane chasing Rimelo. Surprisingly it seemed to already be injured as it stood on all fours and was missing half it's tail and one of its spiky long arms. This creatures thirst for flesh and blood was unlike anything they had witnessed before.

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