Chapter 17 Turmoil

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 Losing Gin is the one thing no one ever expected.

Darius: I just can't do this shit anymore...

Weiss: Gin there's just no fucking way!!!

Scene: Tori goes over to Gins body and starts to weep.

Tori: Gin.... just no just no... way. GINN!!!

scene: As Weiss Tori and Darius start to morne over Gin April just stares blankly at Gins lifeless body. Unlike the Rest April isn't affected by seeing death like the others are. But she understands and believes that death isn't the end and they each have to live and move on in the end because they will make it out one way or another and it is going to take more than courage and faith alone to get there and they will not take any prisoners from this point on.

They will continue to travel until the very end because they have to make it to see tomorrow and the next days to come forth.

 Everything is on the table and they know whats at stake now that Gin is no longer conscious or reacting to any signs of movement. They plan to make it all the way back home safe one way or another.  They are humans ready to survive and that's what matters to them is carrying what they can carry and move on.

 They now think of what to do with Gins body because it is going to start decomposing soon and they aren't sure when where or how but they know it's going to start and they believed in the right of burying as they make it to HQ. Once again they have to make sacrifices that they don't want to be made accountable for.

. GIn was a great friend and comrade and they all loved and adored him.

 If it's his time they have no choice but to respect him and his body for they have to make it over and over again and nothing is going to stop them from getting to HQ and finish what they originally started from the get go.

 Plus they need new gear weapons and clothes and they can no longer truly defend themselves for being out in the open with those crows. 

 They will be overrun by them because the crows can see smell and sense humans from a distance. They must make it and get there before 8 hours and address the issue that is nuclear winter once and for all because of  everything they have witnessed thus far.

 For the nonbelievers that criticize squad 5, it's going to be really hard for them to explain everything to HQ directly as they make it beyond the vale.

Makura: To everyone when we return to HQ please be aware of the real issue at hand. I am personally going to see through to this myself. I've been thinking about how this is not the best way to for the military to serve.

Weiss: So what then how are you going to talk them down?

Tori: He knows how fucked we are now without Gin so its no wonder he's gonna try to say something.

April: That's not a very nice thing to say to the General Tori.

Tori: Wait say what?

April: Like I said before that's not a very nice thing to say just because Gin is dead. The General is the key to our survival

Tori: Ok bitch I don't care who you are I will not allow you to talk as if Gin meant nothing to us.

Weiss: April, Tori...

Scene: Darius is in complete silence at a rare moment in time where maybe a word or two from him could probably help to better the mood of the situation. He doesn't think him saying anything will bring Gin back. Darius and Gin were one of a kind when they teamed up.

Makura: You're right Tori this is all just business. With Gin being put down HQ has a problem on which terminals that are going to be set out for command. And as the General, this does not look good on my part.

Tori: You're damn right it doesn't! All you guys ever did was use Gin as a pawn until you could take back full control of the region from the rest of the world.

Weiss: What does that mean Tori?

April: Something that needed to be done a long time ago to get rid of the pests once and for all.

Weiss: Pests what do you mean by pests?

Makura: Im under the direct orders from the highest authority in the region the brigadier fleet commander himself. 

Tori: Meaning we are all going to be shot and killed on sight now if we disobey.

Weiss: You cant be serious what the fuck!

Darius: Hey settle down!

Weiss: No not until someone tells me whats really going here!!

April: Isn't it obvious I'm sure we don't have to spell it out for you do we.

Tori: Watch your mouth lil bitch I knew you'd show your true colors soon enough!

April: True colors eh you're just upset and it's not even about Gin. Tori you're just a puppet.

Scene: Darius is not happy about this and he knows whats coming next.

Tori: Gin loved you the most and this is how you thank him. All you ever did was play games with Weiss and as he suffered you poured more and more salt into his wounds! I'm sick of your shit April and whats worse is he died trying to protect you ya, stupid whore! All he ever did was talk and think about you!

Weiss: April...

April: Well lookie here as it all pours from the snake's mouth. You don't care about Gin you just wanted him as leverage to keep you company while you were apart from the General. I know how those of your type are. I liked Gin but I'd rather not get feelings for him especially in a world like this. At one point I thought the same. You, on the other hand, why didn't you just say something to him instead of gawking at the General. But no you couldn't do that. Instead, youd rather use me as the reason he died unfulfilled.

Scene: Tori jumps at April and grabs her by the throat choking her as they are in the back of the six-wheeler military personal vehicle. Weiss goes to stop her but is knockback by a devastating kick from Tori! They are only less than 2 hours from HQ and its unfortunate something like this is happening.

Darius: Weiss!!!

Weiss: Hey hey hey stop the vehicle!!

Scene: Tori and April are at each other's throats at the edge of the back of the military truck. If one were to push the other off at the speeds they are going it would mean a fatal accident on both of them. Darius is aware that if they stop the crows could catch up to then in no time.

Weiss: Hey I said fucking stop!!

Scene: April's elbow hits Weiss right on the temple by accident causing him to faint for a moment as he falls outta the back of the moving military vehicle. Weiss catches himself as he flails and braces himself as he hits the dusty hard asphalt road. Makura is shocked by this and instantly hits the breaks coming to a skidding strong stop that leaves tire tread marks on the road. Darius immediately gets out and rushes over to where Weiss is.

Darius: Oh no goddamnit!! Weiss!!!!!

Scene: Tori and April both stop to go save Weiss. April accidentally trips over Gins Lifeless left hand. This seemingly puts her into a state of trauma. As she really witnesses him and how much he really meant to her. She truly loved Gin and couldn't bring herself to accept it and now that he's gone she is putting up a front.

Everyone runs over to Help Weiss except for April. Weiss is pretty banged up but he's managed only a few skid marks and a broken arm due to him bracing himself for the impact as he flew off from the back. As everyone is helping pick up Weiss three mutated black crows sweep in and one of them picks up Tori but the General grabs it before it can fully take flight. Its wingspan is 15ft long. These crows are giants and they aren't easy to deal with.
The other crow attacks Darius while he's holding up Weiss.

Weiss: Shit piss off will ya.

Darius: I'll break your fucking beak off and make you eat it!! Ahhh!!!!

Scene: The Third Crow flys over to where April is as she is in a state of great fear. It begins to peck and tear at Gins flesh making noises as it eats. April is no longer able to face the current reality so she begins to cry and shaking shivering in fear. Makura is able to save Tori from the crow that attacked her by stabbing it in the eye with his utility knife. This makes the
crow very upset and it opens its wings and throws Tori about 10ft backwards. Now Makura is stuck with Fighting off two birds and he is struggling to keep the other one from clawing him.

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