Chapter 16 Desolation

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Raiders: Ahh

Gin: Shit shit shit runnng and getting way too deep around us!

Weiss: Run!!!

Tori: I'm with you!!

Scene: General Makura Darius Tori, Weiss April, and Gin all made it to get away from the scattering raiders. This is what hell looks like. Raiders are being ripped apart screams after screams of agony reign over the horizon. This is the worst moment in their lives. Gin is fighting off 10 monsters at once by himself because he got separated from the group. There was nothing he could really do but to fight his way through. Because after all there was nothing he could do. Gin sliced and diced continually making lunch meat of these monsters in quick steady succession. It's only a matter of time before he breaks though due to exhaustion. Weiss and Tori get stuck fighting around the cargo area and fend off some monsters while Darius is hiding under one of the cargo trucks. He can only do so much as to get away from an unpleasant situation as quickly as possible. For now he's trying to wait it out. Makura and April are working on simply just lowering the number of monsters there are because there's no way they could ever make it back with everyone in one piece if they didn't tear through them once and for all.
Not to mention some of the raiders are fighting too to lower the numbers but slowly but surely they are being eaten tortured and pulled apart one by one. 

Gin: Shit... shit... I'm literally outta steam. Guess it's from being held up all damn day in that mess fuck!

Makura: Gahhh!!!!!! This is really pissing me off damn we gotta fight all these monsters before the crows get here.

Weiss: That ain't nothing new it's gonna take us no less than 10 more minutes.

Scene: General Makura has set his sights on using one of the cargo trucks to run over some of the creatures. As hes approaching one of the cargo trucks he sees Darius underneath it. This catches General Makura totally off guard to the point where he's not going to even question him about it.

Makura: Darius what in the hell are you doing under there come out and let's go get the others.

Darius: I'm on it like white on rice!

Scene: General Makura hops in the driver's seat while Darius gets in the passengers' seat. They then drive to where the others are located in the distance fighting for their lives against the horde of monsters. They first spot April who is handling herself very well at the moment. Next they stop to grab up Tori and Weiss.

Makura: April, Tori, Weiss get in now!!

Scene: And at the right moment while cargo truck is still going April Tori and Weiss all three leaps forwards jumping onto the back of the cargo truck

April: Holy shit!!! Makura, Darius this is so fucked up!

Darius: No we just gotta keep away and get rid of most of these monsters until those mutated birds get here. We have to drive to HQ we can't call in the choppers in this area.

April: Are you kidding me that will take us a full day to drive back to HQ.

Makura: It doesn't matter we've got to leave this area immediately!

April: Oh ok it's whatever then.

Scene: As they are driving they see Gin making pure stew out of a horde of monsters to the point it could make someone sick. He had blood and all kinds of weird slime and liquid goo on him and he was purely exhausted to the point of falling to the ground.
Tori goes over to help Gin while being chased by 3 monsters.

Tori: I'm coming Gin!!!!

Gin: Damnit I'm close to being out of gas.....

Scene: As Tori goes to grab Gin the monsters catch up to them and as Gin is limping  A group of raiders with Nathan in the drivers seat of a much larger Cargo truck similar to that of a HUMV while having Gracie captured in the back of it. Nathan see's Gin and he pulls out a  50 caliber magnum while he's driving and he fires it at Gin and the bullet hits Gin in his right shoulder. The blast from the shot causes Gin to fly 5ft in the air and as Gin is flying in the air Nathan hits Gin with the HUMV cargo truck going around 80 miles per hour but Gin catches himself just fast enough and jumps upon the impact with the vehicle. Gins body flys upwards and over the top of the HUMV cargo truck Nathan laughs and continues driving onwards and outta the evac zone. General Makura drives over to where Gin is and then General Makura, Darius Tori April and Weiss all get outta the cargo truck and they run immediately towards Gin with extreme caution and alert. Darius pulls off a pistol from one of the raiders lifeless bodies. He fires 5 shots one bullet kills one of the monsters instantly and the other two takes the rest of the clips.  They all grab Gin and they put him into the back of the cargo truck. Darius gets into the passengers seat while April Tori and Weiss all are in the back of the cargo truck with Gin. General Makura then goes and swiftly gets back into the drivers seat and began speeding away from the evac zone onto the long highway. 

Darius: Damnit Gin! There's blood everywhere!

Tori: Oh no!! Gin!!

Scene: Gin collapses due to major blood loss and  by being ran over and shot by one of the cargo trucks taken by one of the escaping raiders and Gin doesn't move a single inch afterward. Everyone is worried to the point where they think this may be it for Gin. General Makura is on edge about this whole situation. The one person who he truly in his heart deems to be the next leader is Gin. And now that he's no longer conscious this is going to take a lot out of not only him but the rest of their squad. Whether Gin knows it or not he's kept things and people together overall for the most part. And losing him would be a great loss. Even Weiss begins to think in this manner. Gin was just showing his best self and now all of his efforts are being stripped away. April, on the other hand, is not as worried as the rest. She believes Gin will make it. Gin is not one to go down so easily. He seems to always find his way someway or somehow. And that this is only just a fork in the road.

Weiss: Fuck!!!! Damnit Gin why do you always do this to us. You're always trying to save everyone but yourself. And you end up like this... shit!!

Tori: Makura what are we gonna do he's not moving at all and we've barely gotten a pulse!!

Makura: Darius switch places with April and tend to Gin with Tori. We cannot afford to get caught by those crows!

Scene: April goes into the passengers' seat and Darius goes to the back to help out with keep Gin from going under.

Darius: This isn't good... this isn't good at all.

Tori: What do you mean tell us!!

Darius: He's already in critical condition. I guess the initial start of the damage had already caused him to go into cardiac arrest and yet he still managed to fight and make it in here. See look at this.

Scene: They look upon the deep gashes and open wounds of Gin. The one wound they found to be the most threatening and devastating of them all, there's an open tear in his heart from some of the monster attacks. It looks like it just barely missed the majority of some parts but it did reach a few vitals in which is why there was so much blood. Darius Tori and Weiss were all severely afraid and didn't know what to do or think. Gin is in serious trouble. His life is fading by the seconds and they are less than 6 hours away from HQ due to the evac zone being overrun so they had no way to call in for the helicopter. To them, this was not in their best interests but they had no other way but to stick it out until the very end. 10 minutes later Gins body completely shuts down and his heart slowly stops pulsing. At this moment Darius is shaking from the inside out. He simply cannot believe what he's just witnessed before him. There's no way, no not Gin. He's the last one anybody expects to go down. Darius has lost a great many people in his lifetime but to him, Gin and everyone in this group matter so much more to him than anything.

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