Chapter 12 The Guardian Generals

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Rimelo: Hey hey hey easy easy now folks... that's not the part to really worry about well at least not just yet. Pre-Nuclear winter in happening right now. Don't you see the signs of more and more increasing populations of monsters heading west? Not too long ago there was a small group living somewhere in this area.

Makura: Yeah which is also classified.

Rimelo: Hey they are gonna find out sooner or later.

Makura: This was no ordinary group that just came in. They are an elite squad that was shipped here from the southern hemisphere. They are known as the Guardian Generals. And they are said to have found the only known cure in the world for the virus. But no one knows what happened to them. Our true mission coming here was to find the Guardian Generals or the cure. And we only found one clue really as to where they may be.

Rimelo: Yeah you know all of that rubble as we came in from the lower bridge we found one of the Guardian Generals badges meaning something extremely Grim took place in the area as soon as they arrived we don't know for sure and that's why we are here. To figure out what went down in order for a Guardian General to be taken down with such ease. There are no skilled or trained forces in the known area or world for that matter to take out a Guardian General.

Gin: By all means what is a Guardian General.

Scene: Both General Makura and Rimelo look at each other with stern looks. The information they are giving is substantial but if they were to tell the group about what the Guardian General really are things would get pretty complicated. For you see the Guardian Generals are not ordinary beings. They are super mutant soldiers that carry the very virus that spread and decays all living things. It was at this point where belief and disbelieve intertwined.

Gin: Is there any way we can get around all of this classified junk? I'm a bit tired of hearing it.

Scene: Everyone is shocked at Gin. He is finally speaking his mind for once. Rimelo gets the feeling it's because Nolxe fell asleep on Weiss's shoulder not very long ago.

Gin: I've constantly had to overthink of what is right and wrong and from what I can see none of that shit really even matters. Both of you are just gonna sit there and give us half assed info on shit we don't know shit about.

Lian: Whoa Gin dude chill

Scene: Amane wakes up a bit into the conversation.

Amane: Hehe so you can talk

Scene: Amane for just that moment realizes maybe he doesn't know Gin like he believed he did. Maybe the real reason he and Gin don't really get along is that they see things the same way but have a different way of doing things.

Gin: Makura you of all people should know that once we make it back to HQ everyone here except you is in deep shit. You're getting shipped off while the rest of us have to fend for ourselves. And yeah I get it we are just civilian personnel that just so happen to make the cut.

Makura: Gin don't you think I'd do something if I could. I have no control over the orders given. I only have control of the situation we are all in right now. There are no excuses for what's about to unfold. And as for you Gin especially you, while you have the time you need to be true to yourself while you can. I'm only saying this because life will tear you apart and from every second and you'll be the only one who is unhappy.

Scene: Rimelo looked and thought to himself that he didn't want to think that so much about Gin but its true. Gin loves April and yet he doesn't take her while he can. He's not true to himself in regards letting things slide. He spoke up this time but as Makura told Weiss he needs to grow up and take the things he wants instead of reacting to it. Makura believes Gin would make a great leader and he just has to learn to understand his boundaries. Rimelo's wishes the same. If Gin and Nolxe were to finally get together Gin would more than likely truly change. The same goes for Lian. Lian is in love with General Makura but she's too humble by just being in his presence. She doesn't truly believe she is worthy of him. She'd possibly settle for Gin if he wasn't such an insecure lunatic. And as for Nolxe, she's pretty much the only true purest soul when it comes to integrity. She's always been the one to take charge when everyone else is being negative. Her only real issue is that she needs to make a choice instead of giving mixed signals.

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