Ch. 26 Just Like Old Times

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(A/n: This story from this point onward will contain spoilers for World of S.P.D.R Gunslinger. I highly suggest that you read that first before continuing (if you want) Now the Gunslinger is not finished yet and I will update that story more frequently, and this story less frequently until it is done, I hope you understand. Chapters 26,27,& 28 will not contain major spoilers for World of S.P.D.R: Gunslinger)


11:00 AM

3rd Pov



Truck Driver: Help!!

Criminal: Come one open it!

A criminal is trying to open the driver's side of a broken-down FEAST truck to get the keys to open the back.

Truck Driver: Someone stops him!

The thief smiles nearly getting the door open, but then Spidey swings in from above and lands in behind him,  causing the thief to turn around.

Theif: Woah!!

Spider-Man: Robbing a charity truck come on now that's just wrong.

He shoots a web onto the criminal's face pulls him forward, lands a punch, and knocks him out cold.

Truck Driver: *Deep Breath* Thanks spidey.

Spider-Man: No problem, so what's wrong with your truck.

Truck Driver: Oh I made a wrong turn and tried to cut through here but the snow was thicker than I thought and got stuck.

Spider-Man: Oh I can pull you out no problem.

Truck Driver: R-Really that would be great!!

Spider-Man: No problem, just give me a minute.

Spidey moves about thirty feet in front of the truck and spines two webs to the truck and pulls with all his might, and soon enough he manages to pull the truck out of the snowbank.

Spider-Man: YEAH!!

He waves for the guy to move forward as he steps out of the way of the truck, as it starts to drive off.

*Honk* *Honk*

He honks thank you in response.

Yang(Intercom): Nice one babe.

Spider-Man: Just like old times.

Yang(Intercom): Damn right. How does the new suit feel?

Spidey starts swinging through the new city.

Spider-Man: Yeah it feels fantastic!

Yang(Intercom): I got to admit you look damn good!

Spider-Man: *Blushing* Oh Yang.

Yang(Intercom): Aw, you are so cute when you are blushing.

Spider-Man: Hey you can't tell that I am blushing!

Yang(Intercom): Hey bade I have seen you naked I can tell when you are blushing.

Spider-Man: Alright I'll give you that one.

Just then the Police dispatch comes to live in his intercom.

Police Dispatch: We got a runaway car speeding down Oak ave.

Spider-Man: I'm on it!

He swings to where the chase is happening between a police car and the get-away car, and Spidey is trying to catch up.

S.P.D.R 3: Vigilante (Spider-Man RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now