Ch. 33 Deference for Darkness

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Hells Kitchen

Greyhound Exterior

3:34 AM

Oscorp soldier 1: Alright Ironside just checked in, we got the prisoners to Fisk Tower.

Oscorp Soldier 2: Don't you think it's weird that we are taking them to fisk tower, and not you know prison?

Oscorp 1: Hey we don't get paid to ask questions, and neither do you.

Oscorp 2: Alright alright.

Oscorp 1: So did we find where the other fugitives went?

Oscorp 2: We got people looking in every corner of the city, forensics came back and they said that the blood in the ally belonged to one Ruby Rose, if she is bleeding out then she shouldn't be that far.

Meanwhile, Spiey is listening from the neighboring rooftop.

Spider-Man: Oh no. What Happened Here?

1:59 AM

Ruby and Yang's room

Yang couldn't sleep she was wide awake looking up the Hunter turned Bounty Hunter Cayde Solo. She couldn't imagine why but she felt drawn to him, and she needed to find out more.

At the moment he was looking at his Beacon profile, which was written by Ozpin himself. Usually, this would be super classified but P.U.M.A had access to a lot of classified stuff, and she had access to all of his files. And she was reading them closely.

Beacon Notes Recruitment (Cayde Solo): Cayde Solo, Grew up on a Ranch in Vacuo, Mother is a part-time rancher and part-time Oscorp cargo pilot. Father Works in the Oscorp Vibranium Mines, which caused his deafness, at a young age. Despite growing up in Vacuo he decided to study at Signal Acadamy on Patch, where he made friends with one Tai Xaio-long, (More on him in his file). They became so close that they decided to attend Beacon together. Cayde shows real leadership potential, I must ensure that he is assigned leader.

Yang: Ozpins notes say that this guy was good friends with my Dad since they were kids. But I don't remember dad ever mentioning him. Did they have some sort of falling out? Alright, next page.

Beacon Notes Year 1 (Cayde Solo): Cayde solo, shows great potential as he has already shown great leadership skills with his team (CYAN) he seems to not think of himself as a leader but rather a protector who will go through hell and back but for his team, and they will do the same for him. Although he may not be the best student academically, he excels in combat and team leadership. Cayde and his team have grown close with team STRQ, which is to be expected due to Tai's inclusion on the team. What I could not have foreseen is the fact that Cayde has started a relationship with Raven Brawnwin. Must keep an eye on that, could be useful.

Yang: This guy was dating my Mom before Dad?

Beacon Notes Year 2 (Cayde Solo): Cayde Solo, Started the new year with a new vibrant armor, gifted to him by his parents. His value as an asset just went up as the armor is unbreakable. This makes him ideal for more dangerous missions. His armor has caused him to rise to the top of combat class, dethroning Qrow Branwin in a month. 

-Cayde's parents have died, His father perished in a mine collapse, and his mother was killed by Grimm while transporting cargo. Cayde is hurting obviously he is being comforted by his team friends and girlfriend Raven. I feel for him I do. But after he has gone through the grieving process we will need to watch him.

-Cayde and Raven are in detention for breaking curfew, and going into the art museum, Cayde says that he paid the Owner of the art museum to take raven through it without any other people. Goodwitch has stated that Raven is a lover of art he even brought her an expensive authentic antique opera mask. I thought that this relationship would fizzle out, in a year. But they do seem to deeply care about each other.

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