Yolo gets new glasses

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"Well what the hell are we going to do now?" Asked Stormcat looking at NC with a pissed face.NC just sighed sadly and bit her nails, Stormcat then put her hand on NC's shoulder and scratched YoloGamers forehead...causing her to blush."Lets go back to sleep we'll think of something tomorrow" NC sighed and walked out of the bathroom and back into her room.Stormcat was about to say something but just decided to fall asleep since her feelings are all over the place, she didn't even bother asking what she was thinking about. NC walked up to her closet and was about to get back in her pajamas and go to bed, and a large lightning strike caused NC to lose her balance and fall completely over and twist her left ankle. "AAAAHHHHHH!" Screamed NC loudly as she just laid there and was in pure pain.Stormcat awoke just in time to see this and sat up. She tried to grab NC's foot and see if she was okay but she kicked the electricity off again."I am so sorry my love." She quickly wiped the sweat from her brow and stood up straight again.NC groaned and got up feeling light-headed and jumped in her bed. Stormcat then walked out of the room blowing a kiss at her girlfriend and went to sleep in her room.NC fell fast asleep as the rain continued outside, YoloGamer and Isaiah looked out the window of their window and saw rain and nightly yellowish clouds, it appeared to be 5:00 am, all the girls wasted 1/2 of the night arguing and hurting themselves, and the news didn't lie about an ongoing thunderstorm, so no rainbows for a while either.YoloGamer walked down the dimly lit hallway to Stormcat's room and knocked on the door, a groggy Stormcat opened the door with a fresh, clean face."Morning Yolo," She said yawning and wiping her eyeballs.NC then woke up and followed Stormcat downstairs."I bet that's what a dog dreams about" YoloGamer grinned looking at Stormcat and she gave him a confused look."What?" She asked.YoloGamer laughed and laughed like a hyena."You know what I mean, your dreams are always so wet and can't move, they must be annoying as fuck" YoloGamer smirked."No worries, I just have a lot of pressure right now for science projects and it's almost the end of highschool, so no worries." Stormcat yawned again and took a quick, sexy shower."What do you want to do today?" She asked."We could go to the mall if you want""I guess, sounds good to me" Stormcat smiled and yawned."What about you YoloGamer?""I don't care what we do. I love hanging out with you""So what do you want to do?" Stormcat asked YoloGamer, she said she didn't care either."Let's all go to the mall maybe??" Yolo Suggested"Sounds perfect to me" Stormcat smiled."Alright, we'll be back at like 8:00 am or something then," YoloGamer said, and she and Stormcat started driving NC's Ferrari to their destination through the rain.* * * * * * * * * * They arrived at the mall at around 9:15 am, and they were able to go inside without a problem. They went around a lot of shops and were eating and buying a ton of stuff.Stormcat met up with these three gorgeous Brazilian chicks who kept making Stormcat drool all over herself. They ordered something to eat in a restaurant next to a table where NC and her friends were. Stormcat, her girlfriend NC, and Yolo sat down at the Starbucks to get breakfast and chat for a little bit before heading up the nearby mall escalators to Macy's for new sexy outfits and scents for girls..."Ohh yeah, this outfit is HOT!!" NC looked at the hot black dress and held it up against her forearm."Damn!" Stormcat purred from the corners of her mouth, then YoloGamer chimed in with her opinion on what kind of fragrance and clothes would look good on NC for the moment.Stormcat saw her girlfriend's gaze looking at the other two girls admiring the girl's legs and bodies and when Stormcat turned to look, she saw these two REALLY hot girls making eyes at her girlfriend."Is this what I do every fucking time you see other girls?" Stormcat smirked."Some," NC snapped back, and Stormcat grinned and wanted to take her girlfriend somewhere to go fuck her till she screamed, the bad taste from her last relationship still lingering in her mouth."What's wrong with these girls?" Stormcat asked YoloGamer."They don't look right for you, maybe if you were like one of them they wouldn't be so rude...""Ha! Your jokes are never funny YoloGamer!" She said playfully.Stormcat could not stop wondering why these other girls looked at her so intently when she noticed a cute black boy with glasses next to them at the top floor checkout of the store. The boy was a year or two younger than her girlfriend, and he was trying to put a shirt on that was falling off of him. She started to wag her tail and stick out her tongue at him when the boy finally managed to get his shirt all the way on before getting bored and going off to play with something on the escalators."Bitch you are not supposed to do that, people don't like that shit." YoloGamer joked."Oh well, nice tongue" Stormcat flicked her tongue at him and purred seductively."Oh shut up," NC said sweetly, but she continued to pay her credit card for the sexy black dress she picked out from the back of the store."There's a reason why I and NC are the hottest bitches in the state," Stormcat bragged while putting her hand on YoloGamer's hair. "Why, 'cause we look like fuck dolls and what men think of us. But how'd I look like that?" She asked YoloGamer."You look like a good time," YoloGamer shrugged."I'm glad, it's pretty fuckin hot out today." Stormcat laughed as they exited the store, she saw the boy she was talking to earlier walk into the bathroom and lock the door before pulling down his boxers and urinating on the toilet."Oh my fucking god this boy needs to stop spying on us everytime we go somewhere!!" NC quietly yelled while getting pissed as did Stormcat. "It's just a kid," YoloGamer defended. "Nah nah nah don't be fucking scared dude he doesn't even know how to put on his own pants now." YoloGamer said sarcastically.YoloGamer snickered and Stormcat scoffed.Stormcat decided to pay up her and NC's back tabs at the nearby kiosk and left the two lovebirds to themselves as YoloGamer waited for her outside and agreed to give her a ride home later. Stormcat decided that maybe it was time for a change and she realized that the attraction she felt for NC was almost like a crush. She remembered the countless nights spent in each others' company, all of their silly exploits in college, each time they closed their eyes to fall asleep it would be her and NC, in their own little world.A few minutes later NC and Stormcat decided to find Yolo some new glasses since ethey've been out all day and haven't been doing much besides going to the mall for 2 hours and NC dildo fucked. Once they got to the nearby sunglasshut they walked inside and walked over to the fancy glasses section. "Let's see what you got here," Yolo asked. The glasses were in the back of a rack on the wall in front of her. She had to keep an eye on them so they wouldn't get in their way and end up breaking. The glasses were red and round, just like her old ones, only difference is they were a little more designed with edges on the sides instead of full circles. It was also a more rounded shape than the ones she had before. She was glad to see that they had some extra lenses on them. They had the same tint and shape as her new eyes and nose, not quite the exact same colors, but close enough. Once they both had a look, Yolo got the glasses and they went in the back of NC's 4 seated Ferrari with NC on the front seat and stormcat on her other side, and Yolo in the back. They went over to a street and parked a block away from a convenience store, which was open and was full of people buying food, water, milk, eggs, chips, alcohol, cigarettes, cell phones, soda, whatever they had, on a rainy night. Yolo was already in front of them, she was walking towards a lady in an orange and black tank top and a black bra and matching shorts with the cut-off heels in their hands, Storm cat was on Yolo's side and walked a few steps bhine them."We should probably head home after this," NC said exhaustingly grabbing onto Stormcat's muscular chest. Yolo nodded and headed for their door, but not before NC told Storm cat to look at her and tell her she would love to see her in the black dress she got from the mall, StormCat had no idea what was going on and just nodded her head like she did nothing. They went home and StormCat hung up her bags on the rack by the door and went upstairs to take another sexy shower after their outing, NC sat down and looked at her new clothes while Shine ate a granola bar next to her.Stormcat turned the shower water up to max and steam filled the air, Stormcat then stepped out and dried herself off with a large towel. Then she walked out with the towel around her and found her other house tank top and short exercise pants.Flame saw the blue haired sexy girl walk downstairs and scoffed. He just wanted to be a complete edgey jackass to her all day after her outing with her girlfriend and Yolo.Shine finished her granola bar and yeeted the wrapper in the trash and everyone laughed and cheered at the cringe. Stormcat turned the shower water up to max and steam filled the air, Stormcat then stepped out and dried herself off with a large towel. Then she walked out with the towel around her and found her other house tank top and short exercise pants. Flame stared at Stormcat and shook his head as he tripped over a random ass banana peel on the door frame of his room.

Flame: [mmrrgghh!]

I wanna end it here even though this is an odd cliffhanger but anyway bye guys YEET!!!

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now