Alphie meme vs alphie theme song

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Chapter 9 or some shit: Music Comp at Canterlot High

NC and Friends bullshit...

Wow I haven't been copyright striked for no bullshit reason yet, thats good, right? eeeeeh...



Normal ass day in 2022 or some shit idfk FUU...

NC bursts through the door crying loudly getting everyones fucking attention while pretty much out of breath.
Stormcat: Um, where the hell were you?
Brodey: Yea and why are you so upset? For once?

NC tried to wipe her eyes and speak proper fuckin new zealand accent normal english, but she just fell on the ground and kicked her legs and threw a tantrum instead, pretty funny as fuck for a 19 yr old lololol.
Shimmer: Eesh...
Stormcat: Whats this???

NC(crying): i-its a, (sniffles) Notification newspaper to the 2022 music comp and canterlot high down the street in equestria or where ever the fuck, I just saw a pug die by a stupid ass old lady drive over it!
Brodey rubbed NC's shoulder as Nc got up from the wet puddle of tears on the wood floor.

NC took a deep inhale and exhaled, then looked at the invitation bullshit.

NC: 6:50Pm??!?!??

NC fell and fainted from seeing the time of the music comp, she continued breathing softly on the ground.
Shine: What's goin on in here I'm tryna watch my fan service anime!
Stormcat: NC's having a meltdown over a music comp which were obviously signing up for.
NC: but thats the time of my date with McCreamy!
Stormcat: Push it back or some shit, were winning this music comp, with the good ol favorites.

Flame666: Whatever bullshit it is, count me out, I'm staying here to practice buring pieces of fucking cardboard for my new fire chopping lessons.
Stormcat: Uh, yeah hard pass fire boy, you're coming too, we'll put your acoustic thing to good use somehow, (giggle)
In stormcats head: (i never giggle wtf)

NC: sighs* fine, I guess lets get our instruments and get moving to the highschool

Brodey and Stormcat: Yay!!!

NC packed everything and one into the ferrari and drive to canterlot high for the music comp

NC: alright (sighs) were here, fuck
NC Stormcat Brodey And Flame666 got their instruments and dragged them into the school building and sat them down halfway through the hallway by a random ass set of lockeridoos
NC: damn it, this is why we shouldve just stayed home, I didn't want to drag a heavy ass keyboard and shit in here, I didn't even get my face covering, fuck

Stormcat: Theres some over there if you need it Silver
NC: ok gimme a sec

NC pov:
I walked over to the face covering gray and white table shit area and got a ma- I bumped into someone and busted my ass on the marbe floors.

NC: Who the hell are you supposed to be? FLASH SENTRY!!!
Flash: Um, im sorry uhm, do you know the way to the music room hehe...
Flash: Oh my fucking god you know why did i ask that.

I giggled uncontrollably for a second, got up and waled back to where Stormcat Brodey and Flame were, and carried all the stuff into the music room with sweat dripping off my face.

Stormcat: Jesus Christ NC why didn't you let us carry our own shit? Are you really that confident in your strength?
NC(grunting): Trust me, I'm stronger than fu(fortnite clap sound) AppleJack mate.
NC yeeted the instruments down and let out a quick moan while straightening her back out before tuning and shitting the isntruments.

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now