Rifty Shits on the rainbooms with NCs help lol

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Applejack: Rainbow, calm down alright, I don't know how the fuck they beat us but, Ugh.
Rarity: They know the whole damn song like, EVEN THE HIDDEN PART!

Fluttershy: We tried the best we could guys, (shyly sadly sighs)
Twilight: We're not out of luck yet alright, we still have another team to beat, and that's...Rifty and his whole band, they came all the way from Texas to get shit on, I hope.

Applejack: Let's just ask the copycats for help

Brodey from the front of the music arena comp bullshit): WERE NOT COPYCATS BITCHJACK!

Applejack(yelling across the arena): Atlest I'm not a bass player with a dry pussy!!
Brodey then pulled her denim skirt up and her two big balloon ass cheeks popped out, she jiggled them and then gave the middle finger to applejack.

Rainbow Dash gave a "the rock" look and Brodey and continued tuning her guitar and putting a alphie mute on it, she is trying to be the next Stormcat.
Announcing Speaker: Next up, The rainbooms vs...RIFTY IS SPIFFY!!!! AND HIS MEME BAND!!!

The audience applauded, and the rainbooms were scared, but they knew some sus shit was going to happen and make them loose.
Rifty: We're starting first...

Rarity: Go ahead Rifty, no harsh feelings darling

Rifty got his string quartet, Buddy is a qt, Becca(Peabee), Himself and Mirza started playing their orchestral Hollywood strings while Ray was on drums. Bananon :) was on the keyboard and the synth and Rhodes were synchronized with a auto DJ station behind them. Rifty was going to go spiffy mode later in the song.
Rifty(whispering to bananon :) (:) ): Did you practice that complex keyboard part?
Bananon :) : SHIT! I forgot it!
Rifty: Dammit, Were goanna loose now! FU(gwacky)K!
Just then, NC decided to help Rifty out, he was her favorite fortnite YouTuber, so she took her keytar
and walked through the audience and tried to help Rifty out.
Stormcat: Nc, what the fuck?
NC: I have to, it's the only way to piss off the rainbow as even more, I'm goanna tilt my head down and make it seem like I'm a guy with long pony tail hair, but I'm actually a girl and they're goanna be shocked it's me lol

NC snuck up inbetween Bananon :) and Becca and right when the main Malory of the shadow boxing monitor tombourine song started, she looked down and plunged her front hair forward and played the keyboard riff all by herself without knowing the song.
Rifty looked over his shoulder to see A girl with black hair on stage with his band.
Becca: Is that?

Becca and NC looked over at the Rainbooms, NC still halfway at her keytar while Bananon :) played the easy part since NC filled in.

Elias was in the back on the Vibraphone.

NC's friends cheered in the audience and the yooooo tambourine sound effect started to kick in one all the instruments played.

Fluttershy unconsciously took out her tambourine and played along with the tambourine meme, the rest of the rainbooms started at her pissed off.
Fluttershy: It's a good meme song, I-I can't resist, sorry guys...
Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, We need you! And is that NC? HOW THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW THIS SONG?
Rarity: Is that actually- NOOOO WAY!!! MY KEYTAR CARRER IS OVER!!

Applejack: Yeah we're a through piece.

Pinkie pie: We can probably still win!
Rainbow dash: Ugh, no we can't. Ever since Fluttershy left us we have no hope, even with the alphie meme song.

The other band kept playing and soon the song was finished.
After that, the Rainbooms played the alphie again, they lost lol.
Pinkie pie was crying on a grand piano in the back, Rainbow dash kicked her music locker several times, Rarity cried in a corner. Applejack yelled at the top of her lungs, and Twilight lied on her belly on a bench in the music room and cried softly.

Back at the main stage...


And with that, Riftys band + Nc played the tambourine meme again.
Stormcat: What did i just watch?
YoloGamer: That was amazing!!

NC sat back down in the audience and left the concert gym
Music arena shit and went back to the crowded school hall with students roaming back and forth in and out the door, it was 9pm and NC yawned on the way to the car, everyone else was not tired.
NC: I just wanna lie down, (groans)
Stormcat: I'll drive for you cutie 🥰
NC: Thank you
NC rested her head on Stormcats shoulder and Everyone else in the back Of NC's new corvette just either played games in their phone or react to memes.

NC slept and drooled all over the car seat back to her mansion and Stormcat had to lift bedheaded NC out the car and into the mansion.
NC walked upstairs to her room and jumped into the bed, she took a deep inhale and moaned, took off her socks and went too sleep and drooled all over the pillow.
Stirmcat and the rest were downstairs and McCreamy quietly walked in and saw everyone sleeping or half asleep.

She was holding her pet McCreamy figurine and quietly went to sleep
In her in house setup on the bed, and kissed her pet figurine on the forehead and giggled, and went to sleep.

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now