NC looses her mind

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Read the damn thing and you'll see ok??____________________________________________________________ Once both Stormcat and NC finished their pancakes they went back to their hotel rooms, a little later, someone familiar showed up at the hotel."Yes I would like a private game room with a bull banner" "Uhh, hehe, follow me this way, oh fuck" The hotel waiter chuckled nervously and led Ac7ionmann to a red room where he could put his kindergarten rainbow 4 prong lamp, his bull wall banner, and his desk and moonitor branded monitor. She quickly shut the door on him and locked it tight until the end of the day to make sure he doesn't break everything like in his own house. A while later NC heard screaming and banging in the hotel room across from her, she instantly recognized it and laughed, until the door was getting kicked down from the inside. It woke McCreamy up from her deep sleep and startled NC, her boobs bounced and she silently went over to the door and opened it. She screamed and instantly closed it and started panting."What the frick, no...WHAT THE FU-"A little later...NC was in her room still scared of Ac7ionmanns room, her big hands were shaking and she fat-fingered everything while trying to grind arena all day until 5 PM. NC was getting streamsniped by 5 people targeting her, and all 5 of them had  Anvil Rocket Launchers."Fucking God" NC spammed her building keys on her keyboard while getting more pissed. "Oh my goooOOOD FUCK!!!" NC slammed her desk 3 to 4 times and put her hands over her face. Her whole chat was spamming LMAO or LOL in chat. "Why the fuck are you guys stream sniping meeeeeeee" NC yelled from across the hotel roomShe started to cry over thinking about her chat streamsniping her."WHO THE HELL STREAM SNIPED ME, WHO WAS IT??" NC yelled while angry tears fell down her face.Her chat was laughing their ass off at NC crying over Fortnite.They knew who the 5 stream snipers were, but they weren't gonna tell NC just to see her suffer."I'm adding these retards, I'm done" NC's face was wet and her keyboard had water on it. "Why were you streamsniping me, I almost lost my fucking mind thanks to you 5 motherfuckers"NC wiped her nose. "Go screw yourselves you fucking dumbass cunts!"And just like that she logged out of Fortnite and ended her Stream while continuing to Cry in her room. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" NC buried her face in her UwU bean bag. A while later...Ac7ionmann secretly recorded NC raging and Crying and posted it to Youtube and Millions of people made reaction videos out of it.Even some of the hotel residents saw it and every time NC walked by them, she smelled of wet socks and perfume. a-NOTHER while later...Stormcat started to pack her things to head back to NC's mansion. NC was still pissed however and didn't want to carry her anger back to her mansion across the city."What happened??" Stormcat rubbed her girlfriends back and Opened the outside Hotel door.Rifty saw NC gasping and wiping her eyes once she walked out the door. "I don't wanna talk about it" NC sniffled and Got in her corvette.Stormcat got in the car as well.While NC was driving quick and fast her nose was running a lot. "Here I'll give you some tissues" Stormcat petted NC's head and gave her the tissues. Once they got back to the mansion NC quickly ran upstairs into her bathroom to get some bandages and tissues and took a shower. "Oh god that was brutal" NC cleaned her face and got rid of her disgusting smell. "My life is gonna go down from here like WHYYY" Brodey walked upstairs and tried to see what was happening with NC.Brodey was skeptical and backed away slowly to make sure NC didn't accidentally punch Brodey in the face.NC heard a knock on her door and she saw Stormcat again."Oh, hey..." NC closed the door, the bandages around her nose and she still smelled bad from crying in the shower."Are you mad at me or something?" Stormcat asked."I don't want to talk about it" NC answered, not saying anything else.Stormcat sat on the couch and looked at her g1g1g1g1 g1g1g1 g1g1"Brodey wants to know if we can help NC out...someho-"[cut]"I feel like it has to do with stream snipers because of this video"Shimmer and Shine hopped on Brodeys lap and tagged along and watched the video. It was a video of NC raging and crying over getting stream sniped.

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now