Alphie meme vs alphie theme song pt 2

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Waring there are spelling errors im on phone so dont judge me bitches

FlutterShy: Were dead:
Applejack: Trust me, They dont know it alright BUDD

Rainbow Dash: I wanna have a talk and shred battle with this Stormcat motherfucker, she has the same skin tone as me, tough as fucking nails, taller than a building and balloon boobs, multicolored hair, SHES GOT A GIRLFRIEND THAT ACTS LIKE A FUCKING TOMBOY FROM AUSTRAILA OR SOMETHING LIKE WHAT THE FU-

Rainbow dash took deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down wtf.
Twighlight Sparkle: Relaaax, Im quite good on the trumpet hehe...

(A little later)...


The audience cheered and screamed as they were about to watch the two best musician groups in the world verse eachother.

Flame tapped the drumsticks 4 times and NC and Friends played the alphie meme while the mane 6 played the OS alphie meme.

Rarity had sweat on her casper forehead and looked to the right of her to see stormcat and NC look back with angry smiles while playing.

Rarity(in head): Fuck...

Dynamite's trumpet settings were already set to the alphie trumpet and flame set his drums right before they started playing, he was enjoying it for once and had a small smile on his face.
They continued the alphie meme into a custom themed song in the key of A and the mane 6 followed in. Then Stormcat decided to jump forward on her knees and shred/ sweetpick the hell out of her lead guitar
Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped and wanted a rematch, so she played a perfect 5th above stormcats playing, and then Diva and Stormcat played the flute jazz note shit together, after that it was a huge ass battle with like 80 instruments, Stormcat was playing 1/32 hazz notes high and low along with the main melody, causing her fingers to hurt while mindlessly shredding up and down notes and doing 3 jazz lines at once.
This caused her to sweat alot and her fingers were slippery but she kept on playing and tried to hold in her breathing till the end of the song, everyone on and off stage was in awe and Rainbow Dash started to cry a bit while watching Stormcat almost loose her mind.
Stormcat started to have tears firm in her eyes from playing too much and closing her eyes very hard. After the song was over, her body was flooded with sweat and she was breathing super hard. NC had to catch her from almost falling over, the fretboard on her guitar was dripped in sweat and her fingers had a bit of blood on them from building too much calluses on her fingers.
The audience clapped and screamed, they ran up to NC and the others and lifted them up and chanted "nc and friends" over and over

The audience lifted NC's band to the end of the concert gym.
Stormcat(out of breath): I'm never doing that AGAIN!!
"Door opens"

NC's parents came into the doorway and NC akwardly blushed.
NC's dad: What the hell have you been up to?

NC: Uhm, dad? Mom?

NC's mom: I told you you're NOT getting a girlfriend a long time ago dear!!
NC: Ugh, really? Im a fucking adult, can't I not do as I please? I haven't seen you two in YEARS!!
Stirmcat: Uh...hi???

NC's dad: And who are you supposed to be?

Stormcat: NC's girlfriend...Do you have a problem?
NC's mom: We di have a problem! NC cant be dating ANOTHER girl! She needs to find a BOYFRIEND!
NC: Boys are not it for me, theyre too iffy and half of them look like shit and treat me like shit, I'm independent enough to have shit done myself, I'm not goanna be used, DAD, MOM!
NC: Im not a- (sighs) fuck...I have an onlyfans, BUT, I never post on it unless it feet pics or CLOTHED pics of my butt and big mommy milkers (moans).

NC's dad slapped NC across the face, but Nc didn't feel anything and just quickly flicked punched him in the mouth, leaving blood on the edge of his mouth.
Everyone started to gasp including NC's mother and started to carry her husband away from NC and out into their car to go to the hospital.
After seeing them leave NC thought of what she did and small tears formed in her eyes. She closed her eyes and dragged Stormcat into the bathroom and sinked into her arms crying softly.

Stormcat thought to herself(I never see NC cry like this)
Flame went to go see NC in the bathroom and he heard echoed crying noises and sharp sobs coming from inside. He actually showed some form of emotion and felt a little bad for NC instead of thinking she is cringe

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now