Get the babysitting over with lolzz

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Elijah: Hehe!!NC: ugh...CAN YOU GO PISS OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE???Elijah: Nope! They say I'm the big GNC: I swear if Kennedie comes back and the house is trashed and you're not in you're room...I'm gonna beat your ass...probably cry aswell...Elijah: Not my problem motherucker I'm out this bitch!!!NC: [screams] This babysitting shit is TERRIBLE!!!After Elijah Pissed off NC he went off to annoy kids in creative and bring his nonsense to fortnite.Menwhile NC tried to call Kennedie on her phone for several minutes...FIIIIVEEE TIIMEEESS!!! She got even more mad...NC: HOW MANY FUCKING THINGS ARE GOANNA GO WRONG TODAY!!! FUCK!!NC placed her phone down on the coffee table and ploped on the couch with her head in her arms.Back to Bubs5161[Elijah]Bubs5161: Yur traaaaaahahahahahhash kkid...Random Kid[llxlllllxll]: Bro you're not good you're fucking spamming dumbass bitch! Bubs5161: It's not spam it's skillllxlllllxll: Shut the fuck up you're one likes spammer's kid...go to school...get an education...oh wait you don't got one LOL!!!Bubs5161: First off, it's FUCKING HALLOWEEN MOTHERFU- Second 8 yr old is beating you...llxlllllxll: my gawd bro I'm leaving dis hoe...Bubs5161: HAA!!!!Back to NC about to lose it...NC tried to call Stormcat next to try and get some re enforcement...let's see how the hell that went...:PNC[hyperventilating]: please answer...please...please...pleeeease...NC: Stormcat?Stormcat[on the phone]: NC? Where are you??NC[on the phone][hyperventilating]: I'm at Kennedie's house...she asked me to look after ELijah cause he can't be fucking trusted...[coughs]Stormcat [on the phone]: I should be there now...NC: ok but uhh can you hurry!NC: cause I wanna beat this shitless kid up!! He's pissing me off!Stormcat [on the phone]: Let me ask what do you mean he's pissing you off?NC: Yes he isStormcat [on the phone]: He's being a bad little boyNC: I just wanna beat his ass and let him know I'm not gonna take that shit...Stormcat [on the phone]: Ok...I'm at the front door...NC[on the phone]: I'll be over there in a sec...I gotta pee first...MMMM!!!!Stormcat[on the phone]: Ok, take your time...[yeet]NC ran to the downstairs bathroom and quickly got done so her and her gf stormcat can deal with Elijah.NC: Ok...let's go deal with this piece of shit before Kennedie comes back...Stormcat: Ok I Guess...NC: BUBS GET YOUR LESBIAN ASS DOWN NOW!!!Elijah: WHAT IS IT NOW !!??NC: DONT MAKE ME COME UP THERE!!!Elijah: YOU CAN'T I BLOCKED IT OFF!! HA!!NC tried and ran up the stairs anyway. She jumped over the duck tape and pinned elijah to the wall.NC[hyperventilating]: IF YOU DON"T GET YOUR ASS IN THAT ROOM AND GO YOUR ASS TO SLEEP IM GOANNA FUCK U UP BIG TIME!!! NOW...[grunts] AND DONT COME OUT...NC then fell out on the floor on the steps.Stormcat: You okay???NC[tired]: ugh...Stormcat just picked her up and took her to the wide couch, got her a glass of super cold water...and quietly walked out the door back to the mansion... NC: I never want to do this again...[coughs] 5:00am...NC was asleep from when Stormcat left...and drooled all over the couch...luckily it was stain/siliva proof...After a little bit NC opened her eyes a little bit and heard a doorbell...and saw Kennedie Open the door and walked toward her.Kennedie: Soooo, did Elijah behave??After Kennedie said that...NC stood still and ran out the door instantly...NC[angry]: HELL NO!NC shut the front door and drove back to her mansion where everybody still was. Then NC ran past everybody sniffling and up the stairs and into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.YoloGamer: What the hell is wrong with her?Shine: Was she crying??Brodey: Stormcat...should we check???Stormcat: Of COURSE were gonna fucking check! She's our friend! The two girls then went upstairs and walked over to NC's bedroom door.They listened closely and put their ears on the door. Brodey: Hmm interesting...Stormcat: Sounds like crying...Brodey: NO way right???Stormcat: Not a fucking chance!As we thought...NC was crying...probably cause of Elijah pissing her off soo hard she got soo mad she held it in until she got here...wonder why...

Then we hear NC crying and mumbling and murmuring

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Then we hear NC crying and mumbling and murmuring.Stormcat: Are you sure Elijah didn't hurt her feelings...Brodey: Nah, I know NC...she's too tough to let a 8 yr old boy make her cry...Stormcat: Fuck it...I'm opening the door...Once she opened the door she saw a tissue box and black tears falling from NC's eyes as she blew her nose repeatedlyStormcat: Oh NO...please don't let this be happening...Brodey: Aww....poor NC...Stormcat: BRODEY!!! WTH WAS THAT??? Brodey: Sorry...Stormcat: N-NC...are you okay? Did Elijah hurt you???NC[crying/angry]: BITCH WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE???Stormcat: Yea, she's mad...She had a hard time babysitting Elijah and she got extra mad.Brodey: How do you know???Stormcat: Okay so...the night before last we put Elijah to sleep.NC[crying/angry]: Stormcat's right...I had to literally rage to get Elijah to go to sleeheeeeep!!! [blows nose and whimpers]

I had to literally rage to get Elijah to go to sleeheeeeep!!! [blows nose and whimpers]

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Brodey: EEsh...iv'e never seen NC this sad before...Stormcat: She's not sad...she's just angry...and when NC rages too much...she cries...just like me...Soon, Yolo came up the stairsYoloGamer: Oof...I feel bad for NC...going through all that pain to babysit a shitless kid...[sighs]Stormcat walked over to NC and hugged her tightly.YoloGamer: This is the first time I've ever seen NC cry before...well...except for the mall trip...that was pure sadness lolzzz...Brodey: U ain't wrong thoStormcat: can you call her name? I know I need to fix this.YoloGamer: Now that she's angry she's obviously gonna let it gotta make sure she's cool.Stormcat: Yolo...she's just like me idiot...were the same...that's why were girlfriends lolzzz...we share the same traits...NC doesn't care easily...neither do I lolzzz{CAN YOU STOP SAYING LOLZZZ LOLZZZZ}[moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobp]NC took a few yeeted exhales and let go of stormcats arms...yeetedHEAL AN A SHIELD....HEAL AN A SHIELD...HEAL AN A SHIELD AN A HEAL AN A SHIELD - ac7tionmann MEOWEUN nvuifdgvnfdugonfdnmkfnoirngousigudihshgnojfsginfuhfuoijvdsnognoigfngfowngfwonoufvwfvonofvw [translates to the of this chapter,,,lolzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz] [mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobpbpbbpbpbpbbpoooooooooooooooobpobpooooooooooooooooooooob]

NC And Friends: Resumed from Chapter 5 cause I'm using this website now...Where stories live. Discover now