The Party [w x w]

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"But babe, how could you say that? How could you break up with me after over a year of being together. You loved me this morning. It's not something that just poofs away." I said looking at her eyes as she looks away

"Who is she?" I asked

"It.. it's not a girl.." she mumbled

"Wow, I.. i'm leaving. Your stuff better be out before I get back.. you can go live with your new boyfriend." I said storming off slamming the door behind me

I walked around the park for a while before getting a text message from my previous ex-girlfriend, who is also my ex-best friend, Jane, that she was having a party, and would love to catch up.

I say fuck it and begin walking to the bus, getting on, heading to her house. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. She walks to the door opening it. She's already dressed in her little black dress on and her black heels with her hair halfway curled.


"Oh, um hi Katie

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"Oh, um hi Katie." Jane says

"Mind if I come in Jane? I could really use that talk" I said

"Oh, of course. Can you help me curl the back?" She asked

"Yeah, you look amazing by the way." I said

"Oh, um thank you" she said rushing up the stairs to the bedroom, with me walking behind her. "Okay, so what's been happening?" She asked

"So, my girlfriend..ex-girlfriend now, left me for a guy she's been talking to." I said grabbing the curling iron from the counter

"Wait- did she cheat on you with him?" she asked

"I think so. She looked away when I asked her and didn't look me in the eyes the entire time. I just don't get it. We were fine, she even said she loved me before she left for work, every single day. Then she came home today and decided that she wanted to see other people because 'she just didn't love me anymore' she thinks she fell out of love." I said

"Wow. I'm sorry Katie," she said

"It's okay, just watching her look away. I think she knew I would see the guilt if she looked at me. But, I told her to pack her stuff and get out before I got back so, at least I won't have to face her again." I said

"You didn't deserve that Katie" she said

"Well, she did take you out of my life.. she should have left a long time ago" I said

"I know," she said

"I think she was just jealous that we were still close after breaking up." I said

"Yeah," she said

"Okay, i'm done" I said putting the iron down, opening the bottom right cabinet, getting the hair spray out and spraying her hair down

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