My Best Friend Brother/Ex- best friend (M x M)

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"Just tell them you like them! What's the worst that could happen!? Why that they reject your advancements and feelings? Okay, then you don't have to see them again. Just avoid them." Sierra said

"I can't Sierra! It's not that simple," I said

"I think you just don't want to tell her that you like her. It's super easy, go up to her and say 'hey, I've liked you for a while now. I was wondering if you would want to grab something to eat later or whenever' and then your done and it's out in the open," Sierra said

"No Sierra. It's really not that simple... Sierra... I'm gay damnit, Sierra, and I'm about a thousand percent sure that he's as straight as a freaking pole or line or pencil, whatever the saying is," I said 

"Your gay!?" Sierra asked with a blank look on her face. "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!?! What the hell Jer!" Sierra yelled

"SHHHHH! Shut the fuck up Sierra! I don't need the whole fucking apartment to know that!" I said

"Oh! Sorry, but you should have fucking told me earlier!" Sierra said

"What does it even matter anyways? The man who's had my heart from the beginning is the biggest straight ever," I said flopping down on my bed.

"Boy! You have to get over this boy and go out! Hell, go to a gay bar and get fucking laid! If it doesn't take your heart off the guy at least you had a good time!" Sierra said

"I can't! I just can't CC" I said

"Wow, bringing back CC, this must be bad," Sierra said

"Please, don't make this any more painful. My poor gayboy heart can't take it," I sighed

"How long?" Sierra asked

"What? What do you mean?" I asked

"How long have you liked him! Come on keep up girl!" Sierra asked

"I... a long time okay," I said sighing as memories flood my mind of the first time I found him kissing a girl at a party. Tears pricked my eyes at that memory. I just sighed frustrated as the tears burned my eyes, forcing me to blink and allow the tears to roll down my cheeks.

"Oh no! No! No! Nooooo! Jer... please don't cry! Jer, please talk to me," Sierra said

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's stupid anyway. Just a petty little crush that shouldn't even begin to make me feel like this! I'm so fucking stupid CC! Just a stupid fucking kid is all I have and will ever be to him. Even after all these years, my STUPID ASS thought he would notice my little ass," I said

"Nooooo! Jer come on. It's okay! Look, forget whoever that stupid asshole is okay! You deserve someone who loves you, cherishes you, acknowledges you, and actually fucking notices you!" Sierra said

"You wouldn't be saying that if I told you who it was. You would probably cuss me out and tell me I'm stupid for even thinking about him like that," I said

"Alright, that is it. Enough pity party. Enough feeling sorry for yourself and depressed! We are going clubbing and you, my dear friend are going to get FUCKED whether you like it or not... oh god that sounded like rape. Um, you are going to hook up so you get your mind off mystery man okay? Okay!" Sierra said

An hour later she was pushing me out of the door of my own house.

"Go! You look cute and sexy! And guy would wanna piece of that!" Sierra said

"Are you sure? I feel kind of... underdressed" I said

"Come on you look sexy as hell! Go before I kick you out!" Sierra said

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