2.human Flareon x reader (female)

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First of all this is dedicated to Madicat_XD she begged me to do this on kik and the picture I found on the internet cuz it looked awesome! Now let's begin! And before we start (again) I'll appear as your BFF by the name of Misaki Miyamoto because would you want to read that your BFF's name is Mexicanfangirl28? it's just too long! I don't know just tell me if you prefer Misaki or Mexicanfangirl28?))
"Flareon dodge the attack and use fire punch!" You commanded,you're in the Hoenn league because one you really wanted to battle your best friend Misaki in the finals only one guy stood in your way,Misaki advanced to the finals now you have to do the same to keep your promise that you two made.
(When you we're both Chibi's)
" (Y/N) promise me that when we're trainers in the Hoenn league that I'll battle you and Eevee in the finals Kay?" Misaki asked curiously she still didn't have any Pokémon so she was envious of you since your dad decided to catch an Eevee for you to make you happy.
"You're on Misaki!" You said,both of ud have a smirk plastered on our faces looking at Eevee all I cared about is being Eevee's trainer for now not even caring what Eevee will decide to evolve into,though personally you liked Eevee to evolve into Flareon but that's to be decided later.
(End of le flashback General POV)
"Come on (Y/N) you can do this" Misaki hoped and prayed to Kyogre under her breath looking at the TV,Misaki's eyes glued to the TV hoping that (Y/N) will advance to the finals. Troy's Swampert vs (Y/N)'s Flareon each about to give up. Troy is not about to give up and much less (Y/N) each has one Pokémon and they're giving their all,though Troy has the advantage with his Swampert being a water and ground type,meanwhile Flareon is a Fire type only.
"Swampert hydro pump!" Troy commanded his partner while Flareon is mid air (Y/N) gets an idea.
"Flareon iron tail the ground now!" (Y/N) commanded her partner Flareon,Flareon gave her a glare of confusion.
"Trust me on this buddy" (Y/N) said,Flareon nodded in response and his tail turned metallic
And slammed it hard against the sandy ground of the battlefield, the sand/dirt around his metallic tail and separted throughout his tail,Troy and Swampert however was still confused on your approach to your battle plan,the sand spread so far in the battle field that it hit Swampert's eyes making it temporarily blind,(Y/N) knew she had to take advantage of the situation.
"Swampert rain dance!" Troy commanded,Swampert freaked out and kept rubbing his eyes frantically.
"Flareon use...." It was too late Swampert finally regained sight,(Y/N) had to think and fast.
"Swampert water pulse!" Troy commanded,Misaki was really freaking out now.
'Come on (Y/N) you're smarter than this...' (Y/N)'s BFF Misaki thought fiddling with her fingers still her eyes glued to every action and trying to come up with solutions that (Y/N) could do.
"Flareon use dig to dodge the attack,then use fire pledge!" (Y/N) commanded,now desperate at this point.
"Flareon Flar!" Flareon yelled and digged a hole in ground deep underground.
"Swampert?!" Swampert said,looking around the ground shook underneath their feet and the ground/sand of the battlefield heated up and glowed a deep red.
"What in Groudon's name is going on?!" Troy yelled confused on what to do or how to solve this.
"NOW FLAREON!" (Y/N) yelled,the floor around them heated up more and a beam of fire appeared surrounding Swampert making a circle no way in or no way out.
"Swampert bubble beam now!" Troy commanded trying to stay calm at this point,and the ground shook around Swampert as he tried to prepare the attack the ground broke and fire came underneath Swampert the battlefield glowed so bright that both Trainers and viewers had to block their eyes to prevent from being blinded,all they heard was a crunch as dust filled the field.
"Flareon?!" (Y/N) yelled,hoping to see Flareon still okay,but what's the chances of that?!
"Swampert?!" Troy yelled,letting his fingers go through his blonde hair out of concern of his starter Pokémon,his little Mudkip evolved into a powerful Marshtomp,then releasing to it's full potential as a Swampert.
"Flareon....." Flareon panted,his coat filled with dusts and minor bruises standing on all four legs (barely),and his eyes constantly blinking as he tried to get the dust out of his eyes. The dust finally cleared out of the battlefield to reveal Swampert laying in the field his eyes spiraling.
"(Y/N) HAS DONE IT SHE'S ADVANCING TO THE FINALS ALONG WITH MISAKI!!!" The Nurse Joy yelled through the microphone,this would have mattered but it really didn't because the Lilicove City Nurse Joy,is your aunt from your Mom's side of the family.
Le time skip 3 hours later
"Hey look a wishing well!" Misaki squealed "I've heard that if you through a coin in there and make a wish,that wish will come true!"
"Yeah yeah" (Y/N) sighed taking a pokecoin out of her purse "wishing wells are just a scam for clueless people like you Misaki" she said throwing the coin in,and made a wish (just in case
If the legend is true)
'I wish Flareon would turn human'
"Awwww stop being a hater (Y/N)" Misaki pouted
"Aren't you supposed to be training Misaki?" (Y/N) asked,thinking about tomorrow's battle in the Finals.
"Oh right!!! See ya (Y/N)!" Misaki yelled as she ran off to the apartment complex that the trainers were staying in to send out her Pokémon.
Le time skip nightfall (sorry too many timeskips :/)
"Night Flareon" (Y/N) yawned hugging her Flareon.
(Midnight) Flareon's POV
"What the?" I said quietly moving my fingers around,I'm a Pokémon! Er...used to at least. Looking at (Y/N) sleep peacefully,SHOOT (Y/N) HOW'S SHE GOING TO REACT TO ME?! I grab the nearest clothes and put it on (pic above to save my mental capacity :D )
(Le reaction)
"WHERE'S FLAREON?! YOU......um....POKENAPPER!" (Y/N) yelled her face color would literally put tomatoes to shame it's hilariously cute and funny!
"I'm not a pokenapper (Y/N) I am Flareon" I sighed rolling my eyes,knowing her she'd ask a bunch of random questions that she'd expect me to answer, in three....two....one...
"Okay who's my mom! Full name!"
"Your mom is (mom's full name) and she used to be the top coordinator of Hoenn,her partner is Espeon that's why your dad caught me as an Eevee,your dad is (Dad's full name) and he's a famous Pokémon performer in Unova,his partner is Serperior" I sighed,going my fingers through my orange/red hair with ease.
"What?! How did you know that?! What's my favorite food?!" She commanded,I sighed another freebie
"(insert Your favorite food)" I said, after like 38 questions I answered correctly she turned even redder (I didn't even know that was possible)
"Okay I believe you.....Flareon" (Y/N) sighed admitting defeat.
Time skip 1 month later (last one I promise... *crosses my hands behind my back* promise ;) )
"You know what I'm happy you lost to Misaki (Y/N)" I said trying to reassure her after her loss in the Hoenn league.
"Why would you ever say that?!" (Y/N) snapped at me,her cuteness and her rage it was adorable!
"Because (Y/N) I love you" I smirked it's been a month since I turned human and been working up the courage to ask her! I closed the space between us and kissed the raging (Y/N) in the lips,yet again she'd turn beet red and her eyes shot open.
"Flare....." (Y/N) was about to snap,I put my finger against her lips.
"Shhhhh I love you too (Y/N)" I smirked pulling her closer to me,letting the warmth beneath us collect in a heating passionate kiss.
((Ending this one shot here Madicat_XD happy?! Okay now back to the priorities, next is a surprise! Not really it's just Ash Ketchum x reader there spoiled the surprise bye!
One thing about me I'm a sucker for wishing wells :D

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